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《灵界经历》 第984节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 984

984. Among spirits, there are likewise those who function more or less like the ligaments in the body. Those relating to the inner ligaments are spirits nearby, who stood beside me. Some were put there so that societies at a distance from me would be aware of the thoughts within me as if they were present.

This is very common among all spirits, and they know instinctively how to get hold of their own emissaries, who station themselves around the region of the head. Then whatever comes in or is thought, they see as if they themselves were there. In this way communications are established with those who are a great distance away, even if they might be in a different universe.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 984

984. Amongst spirits, moreover, there are also those who relate, as it were, to the ligaments in the body. Those who relate to the internal ligaments are spirits nearby, who were standing beside me, having been placed there, so that societies at a distance might perceive the things that were thought within myself, as though they were present. This is very common among all spirits, and they know it from instinct. They have their emissaries who place themselves around the region of the head, so that they may perceive whatever flows in or is thought, as if they themselves were there. In this way communications are established with those who are at a great distance, even if they be in another universe.

Experientiae Spirituales 984 (original Latin 1748-1764)

984. Inter spiritus etiam dantur, qui quoque referunt quasi ligamenta in corpore, interna ii qui prope sunt, ac mihi adstiterunt, et quidam ibi positi sunt, ut societates quae a me distarent, perciperent sicut praesentes, ea quae penes me cogitata sunt, hoc communissimum est inter omnes spiritus, et sciunt id ex instinctu, ut habeant suos emissarios, qui se circum regionem capitis ponunt, ut quicquid unquam influit, aut cogitatur, percipiant, sicut ii essent ibi, ita communicationes instituuntur cum iis qui inde distantissimi sunt, si vel in altero forent universo.

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