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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第67节









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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 67

67. Now I may offer some examples to make clear how spiritual angels draw their meaning, and heavenly angels their meaning, from the earthly meaning that the Word presents to us. We may take five of the Ten Commandments as examples.

The commandment “Honor your father and your mother” [Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16]. We understand “father and mother” to mean our earthly fathers and mothers and any individuals who act as fathers and mothers for us. We understand honoring them to mean admiring them and being obedient to them. A spiritual angel, though, understands “father” to mean the Lord and “mother” to mean the church; and they understand honoring to mean loving. But a heavenly angel understands “father” to mean the Lord’s divine love and “mother” the Lord’s divine wisdom, and honoring to mean doing what is good because of him.

[2] The commandment “You are not to steal” [Exodus 20:15; Deuteronomy 5:19]. We understand stealing to mean theft, cheating, or depriving others of their assets by any means. A spiritual angel understands stealing to mean using false and evil devices to deprive people of the truths of their faith and their good, caring actions. A heavenly angel, though, understands stealing to mean giving ourselves credit for what belongs to the Lord and claiming his righteousness and worth as our own.

[3] The commandment “You are not to commit adultery” [Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18]. We understand committing adultery to mean the act of adultery, as well as promiscuity, indecent behavior, filthy language, and impure thoughts. A spiritual angel understands adultery to mean perverting what is good in the Word and falsifying its truths. A heavenly angel, though, understands adultery to mean denying the divine nature of the Lord and profaning the Word.

[4] The commandment “You are not to kill” [Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17]. We understand killing to mean harboring hatred as well [Matthew 5:22] and seeking revenge even as far as killing. A spiritual angel understands killing to mean playing the role of a devil and killing someone’s soul [Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5]. A heavenly angel, though, understands killing to mean hating the Lord and hating anything that belongs to the Lord.

[5] The commandment “You are not to bear false witness” [Exodus 20:16; Deuteronomy 5:20]. We understand bearing false witness to mean lying and slandering people as well. A spiritual angel understands bearing false witness to mean saying and persuading others to believe that something false is true and that something evil is good, and the reverse. A heavenly angel, though, understands bearing false witness to mean blasphemy against the Lord and the Word.

[6] This enables us to see how spiritual and heavenly meanings are unfolded and drawn from the earthly meaning of the Word that contains them; and strange as it may seem, angels draw these meanings out without knowing what we are thinking. Nevertheless, angels’ thinking and our thinking become one because of correspondences, just as a goal, its means, and its results become one. Functionally, the goals are in the heavenly kingdom, the means in the spiritual kingdom, and the results in the earthly kingdom. This kind of union by correspondence comes from creation, and this is how we now associate with angels through the Word.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 67

67. Now let this be illustrated by an example showing how spiritual angels draw out their sense and celestial angels their sense from the natural sense in the Word that people have. Take, for instance, five of the Ten Commandments:

The commandment to honor one’s father and mother: People interpret father and mother to mean their father and mother on earth, as well as all those who stand in place of their father and mother, and they interpret the commandment to honor them as meaning to hold them in honor and obey them.

Spiritual angels, on the other hand, interpret their father to mean the Lord, and their mother to mean the church, and that to honor them means to love them.

Celestial angels, however, interpret their father to mean the Lord’s Divine love, and their mother to mean His Divine wisdom, and that to honor them means to do good from Him.

[2] The commandment not to steal: People interpret stealing to mean thieving, defrauding, and under some pretext robbing the neighbor of his goods.

Spiritual angels interpret stealing to mean using falsities and evils to deprive others of the truths of their faith and goods of charity.

And celestial angels interpret stealing to mean the attributing to themselves what is the Lord’s and claiming for themselves His righteousness and merit.

[3] The commandment not to commit adultery: People interpret adultery to mean adultery, licentiousness, obscene behavior, lascivious speech, and filthy thoughts.

Spiritual angels interpret adultery to mean adulteration of the Word’s goods and falsifying its truths.

And celestial angels interpret adultery to mean denying the Lord’s Divinity and profaning the Word.

[4] The commandment not to kill: People interpret killing to mean also hatred and longing to take revenge even to the point of murder.

Spiritual angels interpret killing to mean playing the part of a devil and murdering a person’s soul.

And celestial angels interpret killing to mean hatred of the Lord and everything having to do with the Lord.

[5] The commandment not to bear false witness: People interpret bearing false witness to mean lying and slander.

Spiritual angels interpret bearing false witness to mean saying and persuading that falsity is truth and evil good, and vice versa.

And celestial angels interpret bearing false witness to mean blaspheming the Lord and the Word.

[6] It can be seen from this how the spiritual and celestial senses are extracted and drawn from the Word’s natural sense, in which they reside. Moreover, what is remarkable, angels extract their meanings without knowing what the person is thinking. And yet the thoughts of angels and people are coupled together by correspondences, as end, cause and effect are. In fact ends are also found in the celestial kingdom, causes in the spiritual kingdom, and effects in the kingdom of nature. Such is their essential conjunction through correspondences from creation. This, then, is the reason for people’s affiliation with angels through the Word.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 67

67. It may now be illustrated by example how spiritual and celestial angels draw their own sense from the natural sense, in which the Word is with men. For example, let us take five Commandments of the Decalogue:

[1] "Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother." By father and mother a man understands the father and mother on earth, as also all who are in the place of father and mother; and by honouring, he understands holding them in honour and obeying them. But a spiritual angel by father understands the Lord, and by mother the Church; and by honouring he understands loving. A celestial angel, however, understands by father the Lord's Divine Love, by mother His Divine Wisdom, and by honouring, doing good from Him.

[2] "Thou shalt not steal." By stealing, a man understands stealing, defrauding, and depriving a neighbour of his property under any pretext whatever. A spiritual angel understands by stealing depriving others of the truths of their faith and the goods of charity, by means of falsity and evil. A celestial angel, however, by stealing understands attributing to oneself what belongs to the Lord, and claiming for oneself His righteousness and merit.

[3] "Thou shalt not commit adultery." By committing adultery a man understands committing adultery, commiting whoredom, indulging in obscene practices, lascivious conversation, and filthy thoughts. A spiritual angel understands by committing adultery, the adulteration of the good of the Word and the falsification of its truth. A celestial angel, however, understands by committing adultery the denial of the Lord's Divinity and the profanation of the Word.

[4] "Thou shalt not kill." By killing, a man understands also cherishing hatred and thirsting for revenge even to death. A spiritual angel understands for killing, acting like a devil, and destroying the soul of a man. A celestial angel, however, understands for killing, hating the Lord and those things which are the Lord's.

[5] "Thou shalt not bear false witness." By bearing false witness, a man understands lying, and defamation. A spiritual angel under stands, for bearing false witness, declaring and persuading that falsity is truth, and evil good, and the reverse. A celestial angel, however, understands, for bearing false witness, blaspheming the Lord and the Word.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 67

67. We may now illustrate by an example how from the natural sense in which is the Word with men, the spiritual angels draw forth their own sense, and the celestial angels theirs. Take as an example five commandments of the Decalogue:

Honor thy father and thy mother. By "father and mother" a man understands his father and mother on earth, and all who stand in their place, and by to "honor" he understands to hold in honor and obey them. But a spiritual angel understands the Lord by "father," and the church by "mother," and by to "honor" he understands to love. And a celestial angel understands the Lord's Divine love by "father," and His Divine wisdom by "mother," and by to "honor" to do what is good from him.

[2] Thou shalt not steal. By to "steal" a man understands to steal, defraud, or under any pretext take from his neighbor his goods. A spiritual angel understands to deprive others of their truths of faith and goods of charity by means of falsities and evils. And a celestial angel understands to attribute to himself what is the Lord's, and to claim for himself His righteousness and merit.

[3] Thou shalt not commit adultery. By "committing adultery" a man understands to commit adultery and fornication, to do obscene things, speak lascivious words, and harbor filthy thoughts. A spiritual angel understands to adulterate the goods of the Word, and falsify its truths. And a celestial angel understands to deny the Lord's Divinity and to profane the Word.

[4] Thou shalt not kill. By "killing," a man understands also bearing hatred, and desiring revenge even to the death. A spiritual angel understands to act as a devil and destroy men's souls. And a celestial angel understands to bear hatred against the Lord, and against what is His.

[5] Thou shalt not bear false witness. By "bearing false witness" a man understands also to lie and defame. A spiritual angel understands to say and persuade that what is false is true and what is evil good, and the reverse. And a celestial angel understands to blaspheme the Lord and the Word.

[6] From these examples it may be seen how the spiritual and celestial of the Word are evolved and drawn out from the natural sense in which they are. Wonderful to say, the angels draw out their senses without knowing what the man is thinking about, and yet the thoughts of the angels and of the men make a one by means of correspondences, like end, cause, and effect. Moreover ends actually are in the celestial kingdom, causes in the spiritual kingdom, and effects in the natural kingdom. This conjunction by means of correspondences is such from creation. This then is the source of man's association with angels by means of the Word.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 67 (original Latin 1763)

67. Illustretur nunc per exemplum, quomodo angeli spirituales extrahunt suum sensum, et angeli caelestes suum, ex sensu naturali, in quo est Verbum apud homines, In exemplum sint quinque praecepta decalogi.

Praeceptum, "Patrem tuum et Matrem tuam honorabis:"- Homo per "patrem" et "matrem" intelligit patrem et matrem in terra, ut et omnes qui loco patris et matris sunt, et per "honorare" intelligit illos honore habere, et illis obedire. At angelus spiritualis per "patrem" intelligit Dominum, et per "matrem" ecclesiam; et per "honorare" intelligit amare. Angelus autem caelestis per "patrem" intelligit Divinum Amorem Domini, per "matrem" Divinam Sapientiam Ipsius, et per "honorare" facere bonum ab Ipso.

Praeceptum, "Non furaberis:"- Homo per "furari" intelligit furari, defraudare, sub aliqua specie proximo auferre sua bona. Angelus spiritualis per "furari" intelligit deprivare alios suae fidei veris et charitatis bonis, per falsa et mala. Angelus autem caelestis per "furari" intelligit attribuere sibi illa quae Domini sunt, ac vindicare sibi justitiam et meritum Ipsius.

Praeceptum, "Non adulteraberis:"- Homo per "adulterari" intelligit adulterium committere, scortari, obscena facere, lasciva loqui, et spurca cogitare. Angelus spiritualis per "adulterari" intelligit adulterare bona Verbi, et falsificare vera ejus. Angelus autem caelestis per "adulterari" intelligit negare Divinum Domini, et profanare Verbum,

Praeceptum, "Non occides:"- Homo per "occidere" etiam intelligit odio habere, et vindictam cupere usque ad necem. Angelus spiritualis pro "occidere" intelligit diabolum agere et necare animam hominis. Angelus autem caelestis pro "occidere" intelligit Dominum odio habere, et illa quae Domini sunt.

Praeceptum, "Non false testaberis :"-Homo per "false testari" etiam intelligit mentiri et diffamare. Angelus spiritualis pro "false testari" intelligit dicere et persuadere quod falsum sit verum, ac malum sit bonum, et vicissim. Angelus autem caelestis pro "false testari" intelligit blasphemare Dominum et Verbum. Ex his videri potest quomodo evolvitur et extrahitur spirituale et caeleste ex sensu naturali Verbi, cui insunt; et quod mirabile est, quod angeli extrahant sua, praeter quod sciant quid homo cogitat; at usque cogitationes angelorum et hominum unum faciunt per correspondentias, sicut finis, causa et effectus. Fines etiam actualiter sunt in regno caelesti, causae in regno spirituali, et effectus in regno naturali. Ipsa conjunctio per correspondentias talis est ex creatione. Inde nunc est consociatio cum angelis per Verbum.

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