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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第68节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 68

68. Another reason our companionship with angels is established through the earthly or literal meaning of the Word is that by virtue of our creation each of us has three levels of life - heavenly, spiritual, and earthly. As long as we are in this world we are focused on the earthly level, then on the spiritual level to the extent that we are intent on genuine truths, and then on the heavenly level to the extent that we are devoted to living by these truths. We do not, however, gain full access to that spiritual or heavenly level until after death. But there is more on this elsewhere.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 68

68. Another reason for people’s affiliation with angels through the Word’s natural or literal sense is that every person has in him from creation three degrees of life — celestial, spiritual and natural. However, as long as he lives in the world a person is in the natural degree, and in the spiritual degree then to the extent he is governed by genuine truths, and in the celestial degree to the extent he lives a life in accordance with them. Yet it is still only after death that he enters actually into the spiritual or celestial degree.

But more on this subject elsewhere.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 68

68. The association of man with angels is effected by the natural or literal sense of the Word, also because in every man from creation there are three degrees of life, the celestial, the spiritual and the natural. A man, however, is in the natural degree as long as he continues in this world. He is also in the spiritual degree only so far as he is in genuine truths, and in the celestial degree only so far as his life is in accordance with those truths. Still, he does not actually enter the spiritual or celestial degree itself until after death. But more will be said on this subject elsewhere.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 68

68. Another reason why association of man with angels exists by means of the natural or literal sense of the Word is that in every man from creation there are three degrees of life - celestial, spiritual, and natural - but so long as he is in this world he is in the natural, and is at the same time in the spiritual insofar as he is in genuine truths, and in the celestial insofar as he is in a life according to them; but still he does not come into the spiritual or celestial itself until after death. But of this more elsewhere.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 68 (original Latin 1763)

68. Quod consociatio hominis cum angelis sit per Sensum naturalem seu litteralem Verbi, est quoque, quia in unoquovis homine ex creatione sunt tres gradus vitae, caelestis, spiritualis et naturalis; sed homo in naturali est, quamdiu est in mundo, et tunc tantum in spirituali quantum in genuinis veris est, et tantum in caelesti quantum in vita secundum illa est; at usque non venit in ipsum spirituale et caeleste quam post mortem. Sed de hac re plura alibi.

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