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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第71节




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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 71

71. As for the Word in heaven, it is written in a spiritual style that is completely different from an earthly style. A spiritual style consists of nothing but letters, each one of which enfolds a meaning. There are also marks over the letters that heighten the meaning.

For angels of the spiritual kingdom the letters look like typeset letters in our world; and the letters for angels of the heavenly kingdom - each of which enfolds a whole meaning - are like the ancient Hebrew letters, variously curved, with marks over and within them.

[2] Since this is what their writing is like, there are no personal or place names in their Word as there are in ours. Instead of the names there are the realities that they mean. Instead of Moses, for example, the text reads “the historical books of the Word”; for Elijah, “the prophetic books”; for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, “the Lord in respect to his divine nature and his divine human nature”; for Aaron, “priesthood” and for David, “monarchy, ” both in reference to the Lord; for the names of the twelve sons of Jacob or the tribes of Israel, various aspects of heaven and the church, and the same for the names of the Lord’s twelve disciples; for Zion and Jerusalem, the church in respect to the Word and its body of teaching drawn from the Word; for the land of Canaan, the church itself; for the cities on either side of the Jordan, various elements of the church and its teachings; and so on and so forth.

It is the same with numbers. These are not found in the Word that is in heaven either, but instead there are the realities to which the numbers in our Word correspond.

We can therefore conclude that the Word in heaven is a Word that corresponds to our Word and that because of this they are one, for correspondences make unity.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 71

71. As regards the Word in heaven, it is written in the spiritual style of writing, which is quite different from any natural style. The spiritual style consists of nothing but letters, each of which carries a meaning, and there are diacritical marks over the letters which enhance the meaning.

The letters used by angels in the spiritual kingdom are similar to typographical letters in our world. But the letters used by angels in the celestial kingdom — each of which also carries a whole meaning — are similar to ancient Hebrew letters, being curved in various ways, with marks above and within them.

[2] Because that is the nature of their writing, therefore their Word does not contain any names of the persons or places found in our Word, but instead of names it has expressions with symbolic meanings. For example, instead of Moses it has “historical Word.” Instead of Elijah it has “prophetic Word.” Instead of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob it has “the Lord in respect to His Divinity and Divine humanity.” Instead of Aaron it has “priesthood, ” instead of David “kingship, ” both as attributes of the Lord. Instead of the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, or of the tribes of Israel, it has various expressions having to do with heaven and the church. Similar expressions are used for the names of the Lord’s twelve disciples. Instead of Zion and Jerusalem, it has the church in relation to the Word and in relation to doctrine drawn from the Word. Instead of the land of Canaan it has the church itself. Instead of the cities there on each side of the Jordan it has various expressions having to do with the church and its doctrine. And so on with all the other names.

[3] It is the same with numbers. These are not found in the Word in heaven, either, but instead it has expressions to which the numbers in our Word correspond.

It can be seen from this that the Word in heaven is one that corresponds to our Word, and thus that they are united. For they are united by the correspondences.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 71

71. As to the Word in heaven, it is written in the spiritual style, which differs entirely from the natural style. The spiritual style consists of letters only, each of which involves a meaning; and there are points above the letters, which exalt the sense. The letters in use among the angels of the spiritual kingdom are similar to the letters used in printing in our world; and the letters among the angels of the celestial kingdom, each one of which also involves a complete meaning, are like old Hebrew letters, inflected variously, with marks above and within them.

[2] Since the writing of angels is of this nature, there are therefore no names of persons and places in their Word as in ours; but instead of the names there are the things which these signify. Thus instead of Moses there is the historic Word and instead of Elias the prophetic Word; instead of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there is the Lord as to the Divine and the Divine Human; instead of Aaron, the priesthood and instead of David, the kingship, both of the Lord; instead of the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, or of the tribes of Israel, there are the various things pertaining to heaven and the Church; and there are similar things instead of the names of the twelve disciples.

Instead of Zion and Jerusalem there is the Church as to the Word and as to doctrine from the Word; instead of the Land of Canaan there is the Church; and instead of the cities there on this side and beyond Jordan there are various things pertaining to the Church and its doctrine; and so with all the other names. It is the same with numbers; these are not found in the copies of the Word in heaven, but instead of them, the things to which the numbers in our Word correspond. From this it may be evident that the Word in heaven is a Word corresponding to our Word, and therefore that they are one; for correspondences make one.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 71

71. As regards the Word in heaven, it is written in a spiritual style, which differs entirely from a natural style. The spiritual style consists solely of letters, each of which contains a meaning, and there are points above the letters which exalt the meaning. With the angels of the spiritual kingdom the letters resemble printed letters in our world; and with the angels of the celestial kingdom the letters (each of which also contains a complete meaning) resemble the ancient Hebrew letters, curved in various ways, and with marks above and within. Such being the style of their writing, there are no names of persons and places in their Word such as there are in ours, but instead of the names there are the things which they signify. Thus instead of Moses there is the historical Word, instead of Elijah, the prophetical Word; instead of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Lord as to His Divinity and Divine Human; instead of Aaron, the priestly office; instead of David, the kingly office, each of the Lord; instead of the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, or of the tribes of Israel, various things of heaven and the church; and like things instead of the names of the Lord's twelve disciples; instead of Zion and Jerusalem, the church in respect to the Word and doctrine from the Word; instead of the land of Canaan, the church itself; instead of the cities therein on this side and beyond Jordan, various things of the church and of its doctrine; and so with all the other names. It is the same with the numbers; neither do these appear in the Word that is in heaven, but instead of them the things to which the numbers that are in our Word correspond. It is evident from these examples that the Word in heaven is a Word that corresponds to our Word, and thus that the two are a one, for correspondences make a one.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 71 (original Latin 1763)

71. Quod Verbum in caelo attinet, hoc scriptum est stilo spirituali, qui prorsus differt a stilo naturali; stilus spiritualis consistit ex meris litteris, quarum unaquaevis involvit sensum, et sunt punctationes super litteris, quae exaltant sensum. Litterae apud angelos regni spiritualis sunt similes litteris typographicis in nostro mundo; et litterae apud angelos regni caelestis, quarum unaquaevis etiam involvit integrum sensum, sunt similes vetustis litteris Hebraicis, inflexae vario modo, cum signis supra et intra. Quia talis est scriptura illorum, ideo non aliqua nomina personarum et locorum in illorum Verbo sunt, quae in nostro, sed pro nominibus sunt res, quas significant: sicut pro Mose Verbum Historicum, pro Elia Verbum Propheticum; pro Abrahamo, Isaco et Jacobo, Dominus quoad Divinum et Divinum Humanum; pro Aharone, sacerdotium, pro Davide regium, utrumque Domini; pro nominibus duodecim filiorum Jacobi, seu tribuum Israelis, varia caeli et ecclesiae; similia pro nominibus duodecim discipulorum Domini; pro Zione et Hierosolyma, ecclesia quoad Verbum et quoad doctrinam e Verbo; pro terra Canaane ipsa ecclesia; pro urbibus ibi cis et trans Jordanem, varia quae ecclesiae et ejus doctrinae sunt; similiter in reliquis. Simile est cum numeris; hi nec in Verbo, quod in caelo est, sunt; sed pro illis res, quibus numeri, qui in nostro Verbo sunt, correspondent. Ex his constare potest quod Verbum in caelo sit Verbum correspondens nostro Verbo, et sic quod unum sint; nam correspondentiae faciunt unum.

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