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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第70节




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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 70

70. The Word Is in All the Heavens and Is the Source of Angelic Wisdom

UNTIL the present time, people have not known that the Word exists in heaven, and they could not know this as long as the church did not realize that angels and spirits are people just as we are in this world - like us in every respect except solely for the fact that they are spiritual and that everything around them has a spiritual origin, while we are earthly and everything around us has an earthly origin. As long as this lay hidden there was no way to know that there was a Word in heaven as well and that it was read both by angels there and by spirits who live underneath the heavens.

But to keep this from remaining hidden forever, I have been granted companionship with angels and spirits, to talk with them, to see what their circumstances are like, and then to report many things that I have heard and seen. This reporting was done in the book Heaven and Hell (published in London in 1758). That will enable you to see that angels and spirits are people and that they are abundantly supplied with everything we have in this world.

On angels and spirits being people, see Heaven and Hell 73-77, 453-456 of that work. On their circumstances being similar to ours in this world, see 170-190. On their also having worship of God and preaching in churches, see 221-227. On their having written materials and books, see 258-264; and on the Word, see 259.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 70

70. The Word Exists in All of the Heavens, and Is the Source of the Angels’ Wisdom

No one has known before that the Word exists in the heavens, nor could it have been known as long as the church remained unaware that angels and spirits are people, like people in the world, and that they have the same kinds of things that people do, in every respect, the sole difference being that angels and spirits are spiritual, and everything they have comes from a spiritual origin, while people in the world are natural, and everything they have comes from a natural origin. As long as this fact remained hidden, they could not know that the Word exists also in the heavens, and that angels read it there, and so do spirits below the heavens.

However, lest this remain hidden forever, I have been given to be in the company of angels and spirits, to speak with them, and to see their surroundings, and afterward to report much of what I have heard and seen. This I have done in the book Heaven and Hell (London, 1758); and it can be seen from it that angels and spirits are people, and that they have in abundance everything that people in the world have.

That angels and spirits are people may be seen in the aforementioned book, Heaven and Hell 73-77 and 453-456; that they have the same things as people have in the world, nos. 170-190; that they also hold Divine worship and hear sermons in the temples they have, nos. 221-227; and that they have written materials and also books, nos. 258-264, including the Word, no. 259.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 70

70. VII. The Word is in all the heavens, and is the source of angelic wisdom.

That the Word exists in the heavens has hitherto been unknown. Indeed, it could not be known as long as the Church was ignorant of the fact that angels and spirits are men, like men in the world, and that they have things similar in all respects to those which men have. The only difference is that angels, are spiritual and all things with them have a spiritual origin, while men in this world are natural, and all things with them have a natural origin. As long as men did not know this they could not know that the Word exists also in the heavens, and is read by angels there, as well as by spirits beneath the heavens. Lest this should remain unknown for ever, it has been granted me to be in the company of angels and spirits, to converse with them and to see their surroundings, and afterwards to relate the many things which I heard and saw. This I have done in the work HEAVEN AND HELL, published in London in the year 1758. In that work it may be seen that angels and spirits are men, and that they are surrounded by all things in abundance which surround men in this world. That angels and spirits are men may be seen in that work, HEAVEN AND HELL 73-77, 453-456; and that they are surrounded by things similar to those which surround men in this world, HEAVEN AND HELL 170-190. Also that they have Divine worship, and preaching in their temples, HEAVEN AND HELL 221-227; with writings and books, HEAVEN AND HELL 258-264; as well as the Word, HEAVEN AND HELL 259.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 70


Hitherto it has not been known that the Word is in the heavens, nor could it be made known so long as the church was ignorant that angels and spirits are men like the men in this world, and that they possess in every respect like things to those possessed by men, with the sole difference that they themselves are spiritual, and that all things they possess are from a spiritual origin; while men in this world are natural, and all things they possess are from a natural origin. So long as this fact was hidden it could not be known that the Word exists in the heavens also, and is read by angels there, and also by spirits who are beneath the heavens. But that this might not be forever hidden, it has been granted me to be in company with angels and spirits, to converse with them, see what exists with them, and afterwards relate many things that I have heard and seen. This has been done in Heaven and Hell, published in London in 1758; in which work it may be seen that angels and spirits are men, and that they possess in abundance all things that men possess in this world. That angels and spirits are men, may be seen in that work (n. 73-77, and 453-456). That they possess like things to those possessed by men in this world (n. 170-190); also that they have Divine worship, and preachings in places of worship (n. 221-227); that they have writings and also books (n. 258-264); and that they have the Word (n. 259).

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 70 (original Latin 1763)


Quod Verbum in caelis sit, non est hactenus notum; nec potuit notum fieri, quamdiu ecclesia ignoravit quod angeli et spiritus sint homines similes hominibus in mundo, et quod illis similia sint quae hominibus in omni re, cum sola differentia quod illi spirituales sint, et quod omnia quae apud illos sunt ex origine spirituali sint, et quod homines in mundo naturales sint, et quod omnia apud eos ex origine naturali sint: quamdiu hoc latuit, non potuit sciri quod Verbum etiam in caelis sit, et quod legatur ab angelis ibi, et quoque a spiritibus qui sub caelis sunt. Sed ne hoc lateret in perpetuum, datum est mihi in consortio esse cum angelis et spiritibus, et loqui cum illis, et videre quae apud illos, et postea referre plura quae audivi et vidi. Hoc factum est in opere De Caelo et Inferno (anno 1758 1Londini edito): ex quo videri potest quod angeli et spiritus sint homines, et quod omnia in copia apud illos sint, quae apud homines in mundo. Quod angeli et spiritus homines sint, videatur in illo opere (73-77, 453-456): quod similia sint apud illos, quae apud homines in mundo (170-190): tum etiam quod cultus Divinus, et quod praedicationes in templis apud illos sint (221-227): et quod scripturae et quoque libri (258-264): et quod Verbum (259).


1. 1758 pro "1748"

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