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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第72节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 72

72. It is wondrous that the Word in the heavens is written in such a way that ordinary people understand it simply and wise people understand it wisely. There are many diacritical marks and points over the letters that heighten the meaning, as already noted. Ordinary people pay no attention to these and do not know what they mean. The wise do pay attention to them, depending on how wise they are, even to the very wisest.

In every major community in heaven there is a copy of the Word that is written by angels inspired by the Lord, kept in that community’s repository so that not a single point in it will be altered anywhere.

Our own Word is actually written like the Word in heaven, so that ordinary people understand it simply and wise people wisely, but this is accomplished in a different way.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 72

72. Marvelously, the Word in the heavens is so written that simple folk understand it in a simple way, and the wise wisely. For there are diacritical points and marks over the letters, which, as we said, enhance the meaning. Simple folk pay no attention to these, neither do they know their meaning. But the wise attend to them, each in accordance with his wisdom, including those with the greatest wisdom.

A copy of the Word, transcribed by angels inspired by the Lord, is kept in a sacred repository in each of the larger societies in heaven, to keep it from being altered in some point elsewhere.

Our Word, indeed, is like the Word in heaven in this, that simple folk understand it in a simple way, and the wise wisely. But such is the case for another reason.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 72

72. It is a wonderful circumstance that the Word in the heavens is so written that the simple understand it in simplicity, and the wise in wisdom. For there are many points and signs over the letters, which, as was said, exalt the sense. The simple neither regard nor understand these; but the wise pay attention to them, each according to his degree of wisdom, even to the wisest. A copy of the Word, written by angels under the Lord's inspiration, is kept by every considerable society in its sacred repository, in case the Word elsewhere should suffer alteration in any point. Our Word indeed is like the Word in heaven in this respect that the simple understand it in simplicity, and the wise in wisdom; but this is effected in another manner.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 72

72. It is a wonderful thing that the Word in the heavens is so written that the simple understand it in simplicity, and the wise in wisdom, for there are many points and marks over the letters, which as has been said exalt the meaning, and to these the simple do not attend, nor are they even aware of them; whereas the wise pay attention to them, each one according to his wisdom, even to the highest wisdom. In every larger society of heaven, a copy of the Word, written by angels inspired by the Lord, is kept in its sanctuary, lest being elsewhere it should be altered in some point. In respect to the fact that the simple understand it in simplicity and the wise in wisdom, our Word is indeed like that in heaven, but this is effected in a different way.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 72 (original Latin 1763)

72. Hoc mirabile est, quod Verbum in caelis ita scriptum sit ut simplices illud simpliciter intelligant, ac ut sapientes sapienter; sunt enim plures punctationes et signationes super litteris, quae, ut dictum est, exaltant sensum; simplices ad illas non attendunt, nec illas norunt; at sapientes attendunt, quisque secundum suam sapientiam, usque ad summam. Exemplar Verbi ab angelis a Domino inspiratis scriptum, apud unamquamque societatem caeli majorem in sacrario ejus, repositum est, ne illud quoad aliquod, punctum alibi immutetur. Verbum nostrum quidem in eo simile est Verbo in caelo, quod simplices illud simpliciter intelligant, et sapientes sapienter; sed hoc fit alio modo.

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