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《新耶路撒冷教义之圣经篇》 第74节



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Sacred Scripture (Dole translation 2014) 74

74. The wisdom of heavenly angels surpasses that of spiritual angels by almost as much as the wisdom of spiritual angels surpasses ours. This is because heavenly angels are focused on good, loving actions that come from the Lord, while spiritual angels are focused on truths of wisdom that come from the Lord. Wherever we find good actions that come from love, wisdom is dwelling with them. There is wisdom wherever we find truths, too, but only in an amount proportional to the presence of good actions that come from love. This is why the Word in the heavenly kingdom is written differently from the Word in the spiritual kingdom. In the version of the Word in the heavenly kingdom the letters themselves express good actions from love and the marks around them convey emotions; in the version of the Word in the spiritual kingdom the letters express truths that lead to wisdom and the marks convey insights.

Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture (Rogers translation 2014) 74

74. The wisdom of celestial angels surpasses the wisdom of spiritual angels, almost as the wisdom of spiritual angels surpasses the wisdom of people, and this for the reason that celestial angels are prompted by the goodness of love received from the Lord, while spiritual angels are prompted by truths of wisdom received from the Lord. And wherever the goodness of love is found, wisdom resides there as well. On the other hand, where truths are found, no more wisdom resides there than the goodness of love accompanying them.

This is why the Word in the celestial kingdom is written differently than the Word in the spiritual kingdom. For the expressions in the Word in the celestial kingdom express goods of love, and the marks are affections, whereas the expressions in the Word in the spiritual kingdom express truths of wisdom, and the marks are perceptions.

Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Dick translation) 74

74. The wisdom of celestial angels surpasses that of spiritual angels almost as much as the wisdom of spiritual angels surpasses that of men, because celestial angels are in the good of love from the Lord, and spiritual angels are in the truths of wisdom from the Lord; and where the good of love is, there is wisdom also; but where truths are, there is no more wisdom than there is also good of love. This is the reason why the Word in the celestial kingdom is written differently from the Word in the spiritual kingdom. For in the Word of the celestial kingdom are expressed the goods of love, and the signs indicate affections; while in the Word of the spiritual kingdom are expressed the truths of wisdom, and the signs indicate perceptions.

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture (Potts translation 1904) 74

74. The wisdom of the celestial angels surpasses that of the spiritual angels almost as much as this surpasses the wisdom of men, and the reason is that the celestial angels are in the good of love from the Lord, while the spiritual angels are in truths of wisdom from him, and wherever there is the good of love there resides at the same time wisdom; but where there are truths there resides no more of wisdom than there is good of love together with it. This is the reason why the Word in the celestial kingdom is written differently from that in the spiritual kingdom; for goods of love are expressed in the Word of the celestial kingdom, and the marks denote affections, whereas truths of wisdom are expressed in the Word of the spiritual kingdom, and the marks denote perceptions.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 74 (original Latin 1763)

74. Sapientia angelorum caelestium excedit sapientiam angelorum spiritualium, paene sicut sapientia angelorum spiritualium excedit sapientiam hominum; et hoc ex causa, quia angeli caelestes in bono amoris a Domino sunt, et angeli spirituales in veris sapientiae a Domino sunt; et ubi bonum amoris est, ibi residet sapientia simul; at ubi vera sunt, ibi non residet plus sapientiae, quam quantum simul bonum amoris. Haec causa est, quod Verbum in regno caelesti aliter scriptum sit quam Verbum in regno spirituali; nam in Verbo regni caelestis sunt expressa bona amoris, et signa sunt affectiones; at in Verbo regni spiritualis sunt expressa vera sapientiae, et signa sunt perceptiones.

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