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属天的奥秘 第10214节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10214

10214. Verses 11-16. And Jehovah spoke unto Moses, saying, When thou shalt take up the sum of the sons of Israel as to those who are numbered of them, then they shall give everyone an expiation of his soul to Jehovah in numbering them, that there be no plague in them in numbering them. This they shall give, everyone that passeth over upon those who are numbered, half a shekel, in the shekel of holiness, a shekel of twenty gerahs, the half of a shekel an uplifting to Jehovah. Everyone that passeth over upon those who are numbered, from a son of twenty years and upward, shall give an uplifting to Jehovah. The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, from the half of the shekel to give an uplifting to Jehovah, to make an expiation upon your souls. And thou shalt take the silver of expiations from among the sons of Israel, and thou shalt give it for the work of the Tent of meeting; and it shall be to the sons of Israel for a memorial before Jehovah to make expiation upon your souls. "And Jehovah spoke unto Moses, saying," signifies enlightenment through the Word by the Lord; "when thou shalt take up the sum of the sons of Israel," signifies all things of the church; "as to those who are numbered of them," signifies as to a setting in order and disposing; "then they shall give everyone an expiation of his soul to Jehovah in numbering them," signifies purification or liberation from evil through the acknowledgment and faith that all the goods and truths of faith and love, and their setting in order and disposing, are from the Lord, and not at all from man; "that there be no plague in them in numbering them," signifies lest there should be the penalty of evil in doing goods as from self; "this they shall give, everyone that passeth over upon those who are numbered," signifies the ascription to the Lord of all things of faith and love; "half a shekel, in the shekel of holiness," signifies all things of truth from good; "a shekel of twenty gerahs," signifies all things of good; "the half of a shekel an uplifting to Jehovah," signifies that all things of truth from good are of the Lord alone; "everyone that passeth over upon those who are numbered," signifies the ascription of all truths and goods to the Lord alone; "from a son of twenty years and upward," signifies a state of the intelligence of truth and good; "shall give an uplifting to Jehovah," signifies ascription to the Lord alone; "the rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, from the half of the shekel, to give an uplifting to Jehovah," signifies that all, of whatever ability they may be, must ascribe all things of truth and good to the Lord; "to make expiation upon your souls," signifies that evils may be removed; "and thou shalt take the silver of expiations from among the sons of Israel," signifies truths purifying by virtue of good, which are of the church; "and thou shalt give it for the work of the Tent of meeting," signifies conjunction with heaven through the acknowledgment that all truths and goods are from the Lord; "and it shall be to the sons of Israel for a memorial before Jehovah," signifies in this way the preservation of the church and of all things of the church by the Lord; "to make expiation upon your souls," signifies because in this way evils are removed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10214

10214. Verses 11-16 And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, When you take the sum of the children of Israel, as they have been numbereda, they shall give - each one - an expiation for his soul to Jehovah when they are numberedb, that there may be no plague among them when they are numberedb. This is what they shall give, everyone passing over to those who have been numbered - half a shekel according to the shekel of holiness (a shekel is twenty obolsc). Half a shekel shall be the offering to Jehovah. Everyone passing over to those who have been numbered, from a son of twenty yearsd and over, shall give the offering of Jehovah. The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel when they give the offering of Jehovah, to make expiation for your souls. And you shall take the silver of expiations from the children of Israel, and give it to the work of the tent of meeting; and to the children of Israel it shall be as a remembrance before Jehovah, to make expiation for your souls.

'And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying' means enlightenment from the Lord through the Word. 'When you take the sum of the children of Israel' means all things of the Church. 'As they have been numbered' means as they have been arranged and set in order. 'They shall give - each one - an expiation for his soul when they are numbered' means purification or deliverance from evil through the acknowledgement and belief that all the forms of good and the truths of faith and love come from the Lord, not at all from man, as does their being arranged in order. 'That there may be no plague among them when they are numbered' means in order that there may be no punishment of evil when they do good as from themselves. 'This is what everyone passing over to those who have been numbered shall give' means the attribution to the Lord of all that constitutes faith and love. 'Half a shekel according to the shekel of holiness' means all forms of truth springing from good. 'A shekel is twenty obols' means all the components of good. 'Half a shekel shall be the offering to Jehovah' means that all the constituents of truth springing from good are the Lord's alone. ['Everyone passing over to those who have been numbered' means that all truths and forms of good are to be attributed to the Lord alone.] 'From a son of twenty years and over' means the state in which the understanding of truth and good exists. 'Shall give the offering of Jehovah' means attribution to the Lord alone. 'The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel when they give [the offering] of Jehovah' means that all equally, however much ability they possess, should attribute to the Lord all forms of truth springing from good. 'To make expiation for your souls' means in order that evils may be removed. 'And you shall take the silver of expiations from the children of Israel' means the purifying truths springing from good that are the Church's. 'And give it to the work of the tent of meeting' means being joined to heaven through the acknowledgement that all truths and forms of good come from the Lord. 'And to the children of Israel it shall be as a remembrance before Jehovah' means thus the preservation of the Church and of all things the Church has by the Lord. 'To make expiation for your souls' means since evils have thereby been removed.


a lit. as to the numbered of them
b lit. in numbering them
c An obol was a Greek coin, worth a sixth of a drachma. The Hebrew word is gerah; see 10221.
d A Hebrew idiom for a man twenty years old

Latin(1748-1756) 10214

10214. Vers. 11-16. Et locutus est jehovah ad Moschen, dicendo, Cum sustuleris summam filiorum Israelis quoad numeratos illorum, et dabunt quisque expiationem animae suae Jehovae in numerando illos, et non sit in illis plaga in numerando illos. Hoc dabunt omnis transiens super numeratos, dimidium sicli in siclo sanctitatis, viginti oboli siclus, dimidium sicli sublatio Jehovae. Omnis transiens super numeratos a filio viginti annorum et supra, dabit sublationem Jehovae. Dives non dabit plus, et pauper non dabit minus, ex dimidio sicli ad dandum sublationem Jehovae, ad expiandum super animabus vestris. Et accipies argentum expiationum a cum filiis Israelis, et dabis illud ad opus tentorii conventus; et erit filiis Israelis ad recordationem coram Jehovah, ad expiandum super animabus vestris. {1}Et locutus est Jehovah ad Moschen, dicendo' significat illustrationem per Verbum a Domino: `cum sustuleris summam filiorum Israelis' significat omnia Ecclesiae: `quoad numeratos illorum' significat quoad ordinationem et dispositionem: `et dabunt quisque expiationem animae suae in numerando illos' significat purificationem seu liberationem a malo per agnitionem et fidem quod omnia bona et vera fidei et amoris, et eorum ordinatio et dispositio sint a Domino, et nihil ab homine: `et non sit in illis plaga in numerando illos' significat ne sit poena mali in faciendo bona sicut a semet: `hoc dabit omnis transiens super numeratos' significat addicationem omnium quae fidei et amoris Domino: `dimidium sicli in siclo sanctitatis' significat omnia veri ex bono: `viginti oboli siclus' significat omnia boni: `dimidium sicli sublatio Jehovae' significat quod omnia veri ex bono sint solius Domini: [`omnis transiens super numeratos' significat quod omnia vera et bona addicanda soli Domino:] `a filio viginti annorum et supra' significat statum intelligentiae veri et boni: `dabit sublationem Jehovae' significat addicationem soli Domino: `dives non dabit plus, et pauper non dabit minus, ex dimidio sicli ad dandum Jehovae' significat quod omnes ex quacumque facultate sint, [aeque] omnia {2}veri ex bono addicaturi sint Domino: `ad expiandum super animabus vestris' significat ut removeantur mala: `et accipies argentum expiationum a cum filiis Israelis' significat vera ex bono purificantia quae Ecclesiae: `et dabis illud ad opus tentorii conventus' significat conjunctionem cum caelo per agnitionem quod omnia vera et bona sint a Domino: `et erit filiis Israelis ad recordationem coram Jehovah' significat sic conservationem Ecclesiae et omnium Ecclesiae a Domino: `ad expiandum super animabus vestris' significat quoniam sic mala remota. @1 See p. ix preliminary note 2. 11. Et loquutus est Jehovah ad Moschen, dicendo, significat illustrationem per Verbum a Domino. 12. Cum sustuleris summam filiorum Israelis, significat omnia Ecclesiae quoad numeratos illorum, significat in quibus instructi et imbuti: et dabunt quisque expiationem animae suae Jehovae, significat ut purificentur a malis et inde falsis: in numerando illos, significat ordinationem et dispositionem quoad talia quae Ecclesiae et a Domino: et non sit in illis plaga in numerando illos, significat a poena et quoque a poena mali cum ordinantur et disponuntur sicut a semet. 13. Hoc dabit omnis transiens super numeratos, significat addicationem omnium quae Ecclesiae Domino: dimidium sicli in siclo sanctitatis, significat partem primam omnem quoad vera ex bono: viginti oboli siclus, significat receptionem et conjunctionem: dimidium sicli sublatio Jehovae, significat addicationem et conjunctionem plenam. 14. Omnis transiens super numeratos, significat omnia Ecclesiae addicanda Domino: a filio viginti annorum, et supra, significat statum cum hoc fieri potest: [Num. i 2, 3, xxvi 4, iv 23 ubi plenum is interpolated here] et dabit sublationem Jehovae, significat tunc addicationem Domino. 15. Dives non dabit plus, et pauper non dabit minus, ex dimidio sicli ad dandum Jehovae, significat quod similiter qui abundat cognitionibus veri et boni, et qui non abundat: (quia cuivis est *** ***) ad expiandum super animabus vestris, significat ut removeantur mala. 16. Et accipies argentum expiationum a cum filiis Israelis, significat vera ex bono purificantia, quae Ecclesiae: et dabis illud ad opus Tentorii conventus, significat sic conjunctionem cum coelo: et erit filiis Israelis ad recordationem coram Jehovah, significat sic conservationem a Domino: ad expiandum super animabus vestris, significat quoniam sic mala remota.$ @2 veri et boni IT, cp n. 10,227$

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