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属天的奥秘 第10215节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10215

10215. And Jehovah spoke unto Moses, saying. That this signifies enlightenment through the Word by the Lord, is evident from the signification of "speaking," when by Jehovah to Moses, as being enlightenment by the Lord through the Word; for "Jehovah" in the Word denotes the Lord, and by Moses is represented the Word; for by "speaking" is signified influx, perception, and instruction (see n. 2951, 5481, 5743, 5797, 7226, 7241, 7270, 8127, 8128, 8221, 8262, 8660), consequently also enlightenment, for enlightenment is influx, perception, and instruction by the Lord when the Word is being read. (That "Jehovah" in the Word denotes the Lord, see the places cited in n. 9373; and that in the representative sense "Moses" denotes the Word, n. 9372.) That these things are signified by "Jehovah speaking to Moses," is because these words are not perceived in heaven in the same way as on earth; for in heaven words are perceived according to the internal sense, but on earth according to the external sense, for in heaven all things are understood spiritually, but on earth naturally. The spiritual understanding is instantaneous, without any knowledge of what is understood in the external or literal sense by man. Such is the consociation of the angels of heaven with man, for the reason that everything of man's thought flows in from the spiritual world, and thus that in its first origin his thought is spiritual, and becomes natural in the external man by means of influx.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10215

10215. 'And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying' means enlightenment from the Lord through the Word. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking', when done by Jehovah to Moses, as enlightenment from the Lord through the Word; for 'Jehovah' in the Word is the Lord, and 'Moses' represents the Word. 'Speaking' means influx, perception, and instruction, 2951, 5481, 5743, 5797, 7226, 7241, 7270, 8127, 8128, 8221, 8262, 8660, and therefore also enlightenment since enlightenment is the influx, perception, and instruction people receive from the Lord when they read the Word.

'Jehovah' in the Word is the Lord, see the places referred to in 9373. 'Moses' is the Word in a representative sense, 9372.

The reason why these things are meant by 'Jehovah spoke to Moses' is that the perception of these words in heaven is not the same as that on earth. In heaven the words are perceived according to the internal sense, on earth according to the external sense; for in heaven everything is understood on a spiritual level, on earth on a natural level. That understanding on a spiritual level is arrived at instantaneously, without awareness of what people in the world understand in the external or literal sense. Angels in heaven live in this kind of association with people in the world, because then the whole of a person's thought flows in from the spiritual world, and the first origins of the person's thought are therefore spiritual, becoming natural in the external man through influx.

Latin(1748-1756) 10215

10215. `Et locutus [est] Jehovah ad Moschen, dicendo': quod significet illustrationem per Verbum a Domino, constat ex significatione `loqui' cum a Jehovah ad Moschen, quod sit illustratio a Domino per Verbum, nam Jehovah in Verbo est Dominus, (d)et per Moschen repraesentatur Verbum; per `loqui' enim significatur influxus, perceptio, et instructio, n. 2951, 5481, 5743, 5797, 7226, 7241, 7270, 8127, 8128, 8221, 8262, 8660, proinde etiam illustratio, nam illustratio est influxus, perceptio, et instructio a Domino cum legitur Verbum; quod Jehovah in Verbo sit Dominus, videantur loci citati n. 9373, et quod Moscheh sit Verbum in sensu repraesentativo, n. 9372. Quod haec per `locutus Jehovah ad Moschen' significentur, est quia illa verba non {1}similiter percipiuntur in caelo {2}sicut in terra, in caelo enim percipiuntur verba secundum sensum internum, in terra autem secundum sensum externum, nam in caelo omnia spiritualiter intelliguntur, in terra autem naturaliter; {3}intellectus ille momentaneus est, absque cognitione quid intelligitur in sensu externo seu litterali ab homine; talis est consociatio angelorum caeli cum homine, ex causa ut omne cogitationis ejus ex spirituali mundo influat, et sic ut cogitatio ejus in prima sua origine sit spiritualis, et fiat {4}in externo homine per influxum naturalis. @1 ita$ @2 ut$ @3 perceptio illa est momentanea$ @4 per influxum in externum hominem$

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