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属天的奥秘 第10543节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10543

10543. By Mount Horeb. That this signifies in the external things of worship, of the church, and of the Word, is evident from the signification of "Mount Horeb," as being Divine truth in the external things, for Horeb was a mountainous region around Mount Sinai; and by "Mount Sinai" is signified Divine truth. Consequently "Horeb," being a mountainous region round about it, signifies Divine truth in external things; for that which is in the midst and which is high above the things that lie round about, signifies what is internal; and consequently by that which is round about and beneath is signified what is external. (That "Mount Sinai" signifies Divine truth, see n. 8805, 9420; that "the midst" denotes what is internal, n. 1074, 2940, 2973, 5897, 6084, 6103, 9164; in like manner what is high, n. 2148, 4210, 4599, 9489, 9773, 10181; and that "roundabout" denotes what is external, n. 2973; in like manner "beneath.") As the people were in external things, and not in what is internal, therefore when the Law was promulgated from Mount Sinai, they stood in Horeb beneath the mountain, and the mountain was hedged about to prevent its being touched by the people (Exod. 19:12, 13, 21-24; 20:18; Deut. 4:11, 12). It is said "the external of worship, of the church, and of the Word," because the external of one is the external of the other, for worship belongs to the church, and the truths and goods of the church and of its worship are from the Word; and therefore those who are in the externals of worship and of the church are in the externals of the Word.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10543

10543. 'At Mount Horeb' means within the external things of worship, the Church, and the Word. This is clear from the meaning of 'Mount Horeb' as Divine Truth present in external things. For Horeb was the mountainous region surrounding Mount Sinai, and 'Mount Sinai' means Divine Truth; consequently 'Horeb', being the mountainous region round about, means Divine Truth present in external things. For what is in the middle and higher than the outlying parts around it means that which is internal, and therefore what is around and below it means that which is external.

'Mount Sinai' means Divine Truth, see 8805, 9420. The middle means that which is internal, 1074, 2940, 2973, 5897, 6084, 6103, 9164, and so does what is high, 2148, 4210, 4599, 9489, 9773, 10181. What is round about means that which is external, 2973, and so does what is below.

Since the people's interest lay in external things and not in what was internal, when the Law was declared from Mount Sinai they stood in Horeb at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain was fenced off all the way round to prevent the people from touching it, Exod 19:12,13,21,23,24; 20:21; Deut 4:10-12.
The external of worship, the Church, and the Word is spoken of because the external of one is the external of another; for worship is performed by the Church, and the Church's truths and forms of good, and its worship, are derived from the Word. Those therefore who are interested in only the external things of worship and the Church are interested in only the external things of the Word.

Latin(1748-1756) 10543

10543. `A monte Choreb': quod sit in externis cultus, Ecclesiae, et Verbi, constat ex significatione `montis Chorebi' quod sit Divinum Verum in externis, `Chorebus' enim erat montanum circum montem Sinai, et per `montem' Sinai' significatur Divinum Verum; inde per `Chorebum,' qui erat montanum circumcirca, significatur Divinum Verum in externis; quod enim in medio est, et quod altum prae {1}circumjacentibus, significat internum, et inde per quod circum est, et {2}infra, significatur externum; quod mons Sinai significet Divinum Verum, videatur n. 8805, 9420, quod medium sit internum, n. 1074, 2940, 2973, 5897, 6084, 6103, 9164, similiter altum, n. 2148, 4210, 4599, 9489, 9773, 10181, {3}quod circumcirca sit externum, n. 2973, similiter infra. Quia Populus erat in externis et non in interno, ideo cum Lex promulgabatur e monte Sinai, stetit ille in Chorebo infra montem, (c)et mons circumsaepiebatur ne a Populo attingeretur, {4} Exod. xix 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, xx 18 [A.V. 21]; Deut. iv 10-12. (m)Dicitur externum cultus, Ecclesiae, et Verbi, quia externum {5}unius est externum {6}alterius, cultus enim est Ecclesiae, ac vera et bona Ecclesiae, et ejus cultus, sunt ex Verbo; {7}quare qui in externis cultus et Ecclesiae sunt in externis Verbi sunt.(n) @1 reliquis$ @2 inferius significat$ @3 inde sequitur quod inferius est et circumcirca, sit externum$ @4 i videatur$ @5 in uno$ @6 in altero$ @7 qui itaque$

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