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属天的奥秘 第2940节


2940、“以弗仑正坐在赫的儿子们中间”表示那些主要能接受信之良善和真理的人。这从“以弗仑”的代表,以及“赫的儿子们”和“中间”或“在中间”的含义清楚可知:“赫的儿子们”是指那些能接受信之良善和真理,一个新教会能存在于其中的人(参看2913, 2933节);“中间”或“在中间”是指主要或首要的东西,以及至内在的东西(参看1074节)。“中间”在内义上表示主要或首要的东西,以及至内在的东西,这是由于来世的代表。当某种良善以属灵的观念来代表时,该良善最纯粹、最好的部分就出现在中间,越来越不纯粹的良善则按着连续层级从中间向外出现,直到最后不是良善的东西出现在周边。这就是为何“在中间”表示主要或首要的东西,以及至内在的东西。思维观念以同样的方式被代表;情感,以及一切状态变化也是。良善或邪恶照着它们相对于中间的位置而不同。这种现象可追溯到属灵和属天事物所拥有的形式,该形式就是这样。

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Potts(1905-1910) 2940

2940. Ephron was sitting in the midst of the sons of Heth. That this signifies those by whom the good and truth of faith could primarily be received, is evident from the representation of "Ephron," and also from the signification of the "sons of Heth," as being those with whom the truth and good of faith could be received, and with whom there could be a new church (see n. 2913, 2933); and from the signification of "the midst" or "in the midst," as being what is primary, or principal, and also inmost (see n. 1074). That "the midst" in the internal sense signifies what is primary or principal, and also inmost, is from representatives in the other life; for when any good is represented by spiritual ideas, then what is best is presented in the midst, and what is less and less good is presented successively from the middle outward; and lastly at the circumference are those things which are not good; it is from this that "in the midst" denotes both what is primary or principal and what is inmost. In this manner likewise are represented the ideas of thought, and also affections, and all changes of state; the goods or evils being thus varied according to their situation in respect to the middle. The origin of this is from the form of spiritual and heavenly things, which is such.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2940

2940. 'Ephron was sitting in the midst of the sons of Heth' means those who were primarily able to receive the good and truth of faith. This is clear from the representation of 'Ephron', and also from the meaning of 'the sons of Heth' as those with whom the good and truth of faith could be received and with whom a new Church existed, dealt with in 2913, 2933; and from the meaning of 'the middle' or 'in the midst' as that which is primary or the chief thing, and also that which is inmost, dealt with in 1074. 'The middle' in the internal sense means that which is primary or the chief thing, and also that which is inmost, by reason of the representatives in the next life. When anything good is represented there by means of spiritual ideas, the purest of the good is in the middle and the less and less pure in consecutive degrees from the middle, until lastly at the circumference there is that which is not good at all. And this is why 'in the midst' means both that which is primary or the chief thing and also that which is inmost. The ideas comprising thought are also represented in the same manner, and so are affections too. And all changes of state are represented in that manner, in that everything good or evil is altered as to its position towards the middle. This has its origin in the form possessed by spiritual and celestial things, which is such.

Latin(1748-1756) 2940

2940. `Ephron sedens in medio filiorum Heth': quod significet illos a quibus recipi primario bonum et verum fidei posset, constat a repraesentatione `Ephronis,' tum a significatione `filiorum Heth' quod sint illi apud quos verum et bonum fidei recipi posset et apud quos nova Ecclesia, de qua n. 2913, 2933; et a significatione `medii' seu in medio quod sit primarium seu principale, {1}tum intimum, de qua n. 1074. Quod `medium' in sensu interno significet primarium seu principale, tum intimum, est a repraesentativis in altera vita; cum repraesentatur aliquod bonum per ideas spirituales, tunc optimum sistitur in medio, et decrescentiae boni sistuntur a medio per gradus de, et ultimo ad peripheriam illa quae non sunt bona; inde est quod `in medio' sit tam primarium seu principale, quam intimum; ideae cogitationis ita quoque repraesentantur, tum etiam affectiones; et omnes status mutationes, ita, quod varientur bona {2}vel mala quoad situm versus medium; ducit hoc originem a forma rerum spiritualium et caelestium quae talis. @1 et$ @2 aut$

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