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属天的奥秘 第10679节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10679

10679. And the sacrifice of the feast of the passover shall not stay all night unto the morning. That this signifies the good of worship not from man's own, but from the Lord always new, is evident from what has been unfolded above (n. 9299).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10679

10679. 'And the sacrifice of the feast of the Passover shall not remain through the night until morning' means the good of worship, which does not originate in the self but comes from the Lord and is always new. This is clear from the explanation in 9299.

Latin(1748-1756) 10679

10679. `Et non pernoctabit ad mane sacrificium festi Paesach': quod significet bonum cultus non ex proprio, sed ex Domino semper novum, constat ex illis quae n. 9299 explicata sunt.

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