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属天的奥秘 第1345节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1345. Genesis 11:16. And Eber lived thirty-four years and fathered Peleg.
Eber lived thirty-four years symbolizes the start of a fourth phase in this church; Eber here as before symbolizes the worship of the church, in general. And fathered Peleg symbolizes what developed out of it; Peleg was a nation named after its forefather Peleg, and it symbolizes external worship.
The fact that Peleg symbolizes external worship here follows from the series of developments in worship and so from Peleg's lineage. At verse 25 of the last chapter [1240, 1242] he had a different symbolism. This was because of the meaning of his name — that in his days the land was divided — and because in that passage it was he and his brother Joktan together who represented that church.

Potts(1905-1910) 1345

1345. Verse 16. And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg. "And Eber lived four and thirty years," signifies the beginning of the fourth state of this church; "Eber" here, as before, signifies the worship of this church in general; "and begat Peleg," signifies a derivation from it. "Peleg" was a nation so called from him as its father, whereby there is signified external worship. That "Peleg" here signifies external worship, follows from the series of the derivations of worship, and thus from his derivation. In the preceding chapter, verse 25, there is another meaning from the signification of this name, that "in his days the earth was divided," and because there he together with his brother Joktan represented that Second Ancient Church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1345

1345. Verse 16 And Eber lived thirty-four years, and he begot Peleg. 'Eber lived thirty-four years' means the beginning of the fourth state of this Church, 'Eber' here, as previously, being the worship in general of this Church 'And he begot Peleg' means a derivative from it, 'Peleg' being a nation so named from him as its forefather which means external worship.

[1345a] That 'Peleg' here means external worship follows from the sequence of derivations of worship, and so from his derivation. In verse 25 of the previous chapter where it is said that 'in his days the land was divided', this name had a different meaning, for the reason that there he and his brother Joktan together represented that Church.

Latin(1748-1756) 1345

1345. Vers. 16. Et vixit Eberus quatuor et triginta annis, et genuit Pelegum. 'Vixit Eberus (x)quatuor et triginta annis' significat initium quarti status hujus Ecclesiae; 'Eberus' hic, ut prius, cultum hujus Ecclesiae in genere: 'et genuit Pelegum' significat derivationem inde; 'Peleg' fuit gens ab illo ut a suo patre ita nominata per quam significatur cultus externus. Quod 'Peleg' hic significet cultum externum, sequitur ex serie derivationum cultus, ita a derivatione ejus; in cap. praec. vers. 25 aliud ex significatione nominis, quod 'in diebus ejus divisa sit terra,' et quia ibi una cum fratre suo Joktan repraesentabat Ecclesiam illam.

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