Potts(1905-1910) 2287
2287. Jehovah went when He had completed His speaking unto Abraham. That this signifies that this state of perception in which the Lord was, then ceased to be such, is evident from the signification of "speaking," and from the representation of Abraham. "To speak," in the internal sense, signifies to think (as shown above, n. 2271); but here it signifies to perceive, because it is declared of Jehovah that He "had completed His speaking" to Abraham; for the thought was from perception, as before said, and the perception was from the Lord's internal, which was Jehovah. But "Abraham" in this chapter represents the Lord in the human state, as often stated above. From this we can see that by its being said that "Jehovah went when He had completed His speaking unto Abraham," nothing else is signified in the internal sense than that the state of perception in which the Lord had been, then came to its close and completion. The reason why the Lord's perception and thought are so much treated of in this chapter in the internal sense, may be seen above (n. 2249).
Elliott(1983-1999) 2287
2287. That 'Jehovah departed, when He had finished speaking to Abraham' means that this state of perception which existed with the Lord now ceased to be such is clear from the meaning of 'speaking' and from the representation of 'Abraham'. In the internal sense 'speaking' means thinking, as shown above in 2271. Here however it means perceiving because it is said of Jehovah that 'He finished speaking to Abraham'; for thought flowed from the perception, as stated already, and the perception from the Lord's internal, which was Jehovah. 'Abraham' however in this chapter represents the Lord when the human state existed with Him, as stated often above. From this it becomes clear that the words 'Jehovah departed, when He had finished speaking to Abraham' mean nothing else in the internal sense than that this state of perception which existed with the Lord now ceased to be. For the reason why in this chapter in the internal sense the Lord's perception and thought are dealt with so much, see above in 2249.
Latin(1748-1756) 2287
2287. Quod `ivit Jehovah, quando absolvit loqui ad Abrahamum significet quod hic status perceptionis in quo fuit Dominus, tunc absolverit talis esse, constat ex significatione `loqui' et ex repraesentatione `Abrahami'; `loqui' in sensu interno significat cogitare, ut ostensum supra n. (x)2271, hic autem percipere quia praedicatur de Jehovah quod `absolverit loqui ad Abrahamum'; cogitatio enim fuit ex perceptione, ut prius dictum, et perceptio ex Interno Domini quod fuit Jehovah: `Abrahamus' autem repraesentat in hoc capite Dominum in statu humano, ut saepius supra dictum, inde constare potest [quod] per quod `ivit Jehovah, quando absolvit loqui ad Abrahamum' nihil aliud in sensu interno significetur quam quod ille status perceptionis in quo fuit Dominus, tunc absolverit esse. (m)Causa cur in hoc capite tam multum in sensu interno agatur de perceptione et cogitatione Domini, videatur supra n. 2249.(n)