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属天的奥秘 第2548节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2548

2548. Thou hast done unto me deeds that ought not to be done. That this signifies horror, is evident from the emotion in the words; as well as from the series, namely, that the Lord was averse (n. 2543); that He reproved Himself from zeal (n. 2546); and here that He felt horror.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2548

2548. 'Deeds which ought not to have been done you have done to me' means horror. This is clear from the emotion within these words, as well as from the train of thought, namely that He felt aversion, 2543, also that from a strong feeling He reproved Himself, 2546, and now here that He felt horror.

Latin(1748-1756) 2548

2548. `Facta, quae non fient, fecisti mihi quod significet horrorem, constat ex affectu in his verbis, tum a serie, quod nempe aversatus n. 2543; tum quod ex zelo redarguerit, n. 2546; hic nunc quod horruerit.

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