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属天的奥秘 第2632节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2632

2632. Abraham circumcised Isaac his son. That this signifies the purification of the rational, is evident from the signification of "being circumcised," which is to be purified (see n. 2039); and from the representation of "Isaac," as being the Divine rational (see n. 2630). [2] That the Lord's first rational was born as with others, namely, by means of knowledges [scientifica et cognitiones], has been stated before, where Ishmael was treated of, by whom that rational is represented. As this was born by means of knowledges, thus by the external way, which is that of the senses, and as with others, it could not but have in itself many things from the outward world, for from them are the ideas of the rational procured; and this the more because it had its hereditary from the mother. It was these worldly things and this hereditary which the Lord successively expelled from His rational, and this until it was such as to be able to receive the Divine (n. 2624, 2625). The Lord's Divine rational was then born, which is represented by Isaac (n. 2630); not however by the external way, which is that of the senses, as the former rational was; but by the internal way from the Divine Itself (n. 2628, 2629). As this was not done at once, but successively (n. 1690, 2033), it was purified, and this continually; which is signified by "Abraham's circumcising his son, a son of eight days." That the Lord made His rational Divine by successive steps, and continually purified it, is evident also in John:

Jesus said, Father, glorify Thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven: I have both glorified, and will glorify again (John 12:28). That to "glorify" is to make Divine, may be seen above (n. 1603, 1999). [3] In the Ancient Church nothing else was represented and signified by circumcision than that a man should be purified from the loves of self and of the world, and this also by successive steps and continually (see n. 2039, 2046 at the end, 2049, 2056); especially when he has been born a new man, that is, when he has been regenerated; for the Lord then flows in by the internal way, that is, by the good of conscience, and successively and continually separates the things which adhere both from hereditary and from actual evil.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2632

2632. 'Abraham circumcised his son Isaac' means purification of the rational. This is clear from the meaning of 'being circumcised' as being purified, dealt with in 2039, and from the representation of 'Isaac' as the Divine Rational, dealt with in 2630.

[2] The Lord's first rational was born in the way it is with others, that is to say, by means of facts and cognitions. This has been stated already where Ishmael, who represents that rational, is the subject. Because it was born, as with others, by means of facts and cognitions, thus by the external way, which is that of the senses, this rational inevitably included many things that were worldly in origin, for it is from those things that the ideas which the rational possesses are acquired. This was even more so the case with the Lord on account of the heredity He had from the mother. It was those worldly things and this heredity which the Lord gradually cast out of His rational until it was such that it was able to receive the Divine, 2624, 2625. At this point the Lord's Divine Rational, represented by 'Isaac', was born, 2630, not indeed by the external way, which is that of the senses - as was the case with the previous rational - but by the internal way from the Divine itself, 2628, 2629. As this was not accomplished all at once but gradually, 1690, 2033, the rational was purified, and constantly so. It is this purification that is meant by 'Abraham circumcised his son, a son eight days old'. That the Lord gradually made His Rational Divine and purified it constantly is clear also in John,

Jesus said, Father, glorify Your name. A voice therefore came from heaven, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. John 12:-28.

'Glorifying' is making Divine, see 1603, 1999.

[3] In the Ancient Church nothing else was represented and meant by circumcision than that a person should be purified from self-love and love of the world, which is also effected gradually and constantly, see 2039, 2046 (end), 2049, 2056, especially when a person has been born anew or regenerated. For at that time the Lord is flowing in by the internal way, that is, through the good that forms part of conscience; and He gradually and constantly separates the things which cling to that person both as a result of hereditary evil and of the evil of his own doing.

Latin(1748-1756) 2632

2632. `Circumcidit Abraham Jishakum filium suum': quod significet purificationem rationalis, constat (c)a significatione `circumcidi' quod sit purificari, de qua n. 2039; et ex repraesentatione `Jishaki' quod sit Rationale Divinum, de qua n. 2630. [2] Quod primum rationale Domini natum sit sicut apud alios, nempe per scientifica et cognitione prius dictum est ubi de `Ismaele,' per quem illud rationale repraesentatur; hoc, quia per scientifica et cognitiones natum fuit, ita per viam externam quae est sensualium, sicut apud alios, non potuit quin plura apud se habuerit ex mundanis, ideae enim rationalis inde comparantur, et hoc magis quia ei hereditarium a matre; illa munda: erant, et hoc hereditarium, quae Dominus successive a rationali Suo expulit, et hoc usque dum tale esset ut recipere posset Divinum, n. 2624, 2625; tunc natum est Divinum Rationale Domini, quod per `Isacum' repraesentatur, n. 2630, et quidem non per viam externa quae est sensualium, ut rationale prius, sed per viam internam ex Ipso Divino, n. 2628, 2629; hoc quia non una vice sed successive factum, n. 1690, 2033, purificatum est, et hoc continue, quod significatur per quod `circumcidit Abraham filium suum, filium octo dierum': quod Dominus Rationale Suum successive Divinum fecerit, et continue purificaverit, constat etiam apud Johannem, Jesus dixit, Pater glorifica nomen Tuum; exiit igitur vox e caelo, Et glorificavi, et rursus glorificabo, xii 28;

[3] quod `glorificare' sit `Divinum facere, videatur n. 1603, 1999. Per circumcisionem in Ecclesia Antiqua, nec aliud repraesentatum (c)et significatum est quam ut purificaretur homo ab amoribus sui et mundi, et hoc quoque successive et continue, videatur n. 2039, 2046 ad fin., 2049, 2056, praecipue cum natus est novus seu cum regeneratus; tunc enim per viam internam, hoc est, per bonum conscientiae, influit Dominus, ac separat successive et continue illa quae ex hereditario et ex actuali malo adhaerent.

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