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属天的奥秘 第3098节


3098、从3088节至此内义所包含的这些事物从本质上说,只有那些被教导人的内在,并知道真理的人才能理解,因为光照通过并照着真理而来。此处论述的主题是真理被引入良善的初始阶段,因为如前所述(2524, 2701节),良善本身通过理性层,因而经由一条内在途径流入属世层,并光照那里的事物;而真理本身则经由感官,尤其经由听觉和视觉,因而经由一条外在途径流入属世层。这就是真理的起源,或说这就是真理如何出现的,凡进行反思的人都能看到这一点。但良善与真理的结合并不在属世层,而是在理性层。因此,真理从属世层,因而从属世领域中被召唤出来进入属灵领域,因为要与良善结合的真理是属灵的。这几节(3087-3097节)论述的主题就是,当真理首先从那里被召唤出来时,它是何情况。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3098

3098. The things contained in the internal sense from n. 3088 to this point, are also such as can be apprehended by those only who have been instructed concerning the internals of man, and who are in truths; for through truths and according to truths, comes enlightenment. The subject here is the first initiation of truth into good; for as before said good itself flows into the natural through the rational, thus by an internal way, and enlightens the things which are therein; whereas truth itself inflows into the natural through the sensuous part, especially that of hearing and sight, and thus by an external way. Truth has its rise from this source, as may be known to everyone who reflects; but the conjunction of good and truth is not there, but is in the rational; therefore truth is called forth therefrom, thus out of the natural sphere into the spiritual; for the truth that is to be conjoined with good is spiritual. How the case is with the truth that is first called forth thence, is treated of in these verses (n. 3087-3097).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3098

3098. The things contained in the internal sense from 3088 to this point are also such as cannot be understood except by those who have been taught about the internal aspects of man and who are in possession of truths, for it is through truths and according to them that enlightenment comes. These verses deal with the initial introduction of truth into good, for as stated already, good itself flows into the natural by way of the rational, and so by an internal route, and enlightens the things that are there, while truth itself flows into the natural by way of the senses, in particular hearing and sight, and so by an external route. This is the origin of truth, as anyone may know if he stops to reflect. But good and truth do not exist joined together in the natural, but in the rational. Consequently truth is summoned from the natural - thus from a natural sphere into the spiritual sphere, for truth that is to be joined to good is spiritual. The situation with regard to truth when first summoned from there is the subject of the verses explained in 3087-3097.

Latin(1748-1756) 3098

3098. Quae a n. 3088 huc usque in sensu interno continentur, etiam talia sunt quae non capi queunt nisi ab illis qui instructi sunt de internis hominis, et sunt in veris, nam per vera et secundum vera est illustratio; agitur de prima initiatione veri in bonum; nam, ut {1}dictum, ipsum bonum per rationale influit in naturale, ita per viam internam, ac illustrat illa quae ibi, ipsum verum autem influit per sensuale {2}imprimis auditus et visus in naturale, ita per viam externam, ortus veri est inde, quod etiam cuivis potest notum esse si reflectit; sed non est conjunctio boni et veri ibi, sed in rationali; quare inde verum evocatur, ita e naturali sphaera in spiritualem, nam verum conjungendum bono est spirituale: quomodo se habet cum vero primum inde evocato, in his versibus a n. 3087-3097 agitur. @1 i prius$ @2 cumprimis$

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