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属天的奥秘 第3409节


3409、“又有许多仆人”表示源于那良善的真理。这从“仆人”的含义清楚可知,“仆人”是指在下面的一切事物,就是从属并顺服的一切事物(1713, 2541, 3019, 3020节),因而是指真理,因为真理源于良善,并服侍良善;前面大量论述了这个主题。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3409

3409. And much service. That this signifies the truth thence derived, is evident from the signification of "service," as being all that which is beneath, which is subordinate, and which obeys (n. 1713, 2541, 3019, 3020), thus truth, because this is from good and ministers to good; on which subject much has been said above.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3409

3409. 'And he had many servants' means truth derived from that good. This is clear from the meaning of 'servants' as everything that is beneath, that has been subordinated, and that is obedient, dealt with in 1713, 2541, 3019, 3020 - thus truth since truth originates in good and ministers to good, dealt with extensively already.

Latin(1748-1756) 3409

3409. `Et servitium multum': quod significet inde verum, constat ex significatione `servitii' quod sit omne id quod infra est, quod subordinatum est, et quod oboedit, de qua n. 1713, 2541, 3019, 3020, ita verum quia hoc est ex bono, et ministrat bono; de qua re multis prius actum est.

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