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属天的奥秘 第4342节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4342

4342. And he divided the children over unto Leah. That this signifies the arrangement of external truths under their affection, is evident from the signification of "dividing over unto," as being arrangement; from the signification of "children" or "sons," as being truths (see n. 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 3373); and from the representation of Leah, as being the affection of exterior truth (see n. 3793, 3819). Hence the "children" or "sons" here denote truths of exterior affection, consequently external truths. Those truths are said to be external which are called sensuous truths, that is, those which flow in immediately from the world through the senses of the body. But interior truths (which are signified by the children of Rachel) are those which are interiorly in the natural, and are more nearly under the view of the rational, and to which fallacies and their illusions do not so strongly adhere as they do to sensuous truths. For the more interiorly truths go, the more are they purified from worldly and earthly things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4342

4342. 'And he divided the sons over towards Leah' means the deployment of external truths beneath their own specific affection. This is clear from the meaning of 'dividing over towards' as deployment; from the meaning of 'the sons' as truths, dealt with in 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 3373; and from the representation of 'Leah' as the affection for exterior truth, dealt with in 3793, 3819. Consequently 'the sons' in this case means the truths that belong to exterior affection, and therefore means external truths. The expression external truths is being used for those which are called sensory truths, that is to say, truths which enter in immediately from the world by way of the bodily senses, while interior truths, meant by Rachel's sons, are those which are present interiorly within the natural and more immediately beneath the eye of the rational, and to which misconceptions and resulting illusions ding less easily than to sensory truths. For the more that truths enter in by the interior way the more they are purified from worldly and earthly things.

Latin(1748-1756) 4342

4342. `Et divisit natos super ad Leam': quod significet dispositionem verorum externorum sub affectione sua, constat a significatione `dividere super ad' quod sit dispositio; a significatione `natorum' seu filiorum quod sint vera, de qua n. 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 3373; et ex repraesentatione `Leae' quod sit affectio veri exterioris, de qua n. 3793, 3819; inde `nati' seu filii hic sunt vera affectionis exterioris, proinde vera externa:

vera externa dicuntur illa quae vera sensualia vocantur, quae nempe immediate e mundo per sensus corporis influunt; vera autem interiora quae significantur per `natos Rachelis,' sunt quae interius in naturali sunt, propius sub intuitione rationalis, quibus non ita adhaerent fallaciae et inde illusiones, sicut sensualibus; nam vera quo interius vadunt, eo plus a mundanis et terrenis purificantur {1}. @1 purificantur, et illis terrena et mundana quasi abraduntur$

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