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属天的奥秘 第4852节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4852

4852. The wife of Judah. That this signifies the religiosity with the nation descended from Jacob, specifically that from Judah, is evident from the signification of a "wife," as being the church (n. 252, 253, 409, 749, 770), but here a religiosity, because it is said of the Jewish nation, with which there was no church, but only the external of a church separate from the internal (see n. 4281, 4288, 4289, 4311, 4433, 4500, 4680, 4825, 4844, 4847), which cannot be called anything else than a religiosity, for they could be in a holy external, yet entirely without a holy internal (n. 4293); and from the representation of Judah, as being the nation descended from Jacob, and specifically from Judah, of which above (n. 4815, 4842).

Elliott(1983-1999) 4852

4852. 'The wife of Judah' means the semblance of religion existing among the nation descended from Jacob, specifically that from Judah This is clear from the meaning of 'the wife' as the Church, dealt with in 252, 253, 409, 749, 770, but here as a semblance of religion because the subject is the Jewish nation, among which no Church existed, only an external shell of a Church separated from anything internal, 4281, 4288, 4289, 4307, 4433, 4500, 4680, 4825, 4844, 4847 (this cannot be called anything else than the semblance of religion, for only external holiness completely devoid of any internal holiness could exist with them, 4293); and from the representation of 'Judah' as the nation descended from Jacob, and specifically that descended from Judah, dealt with above in 4815, 4842.

Latin(1748-1756) 4852

4852. `uxor Jehudae': quod significet religiosum apud gentem e Jacobo, in specie ex Jehudah, constat ex significatione `uxoris' quod sit Ecclesia de qua n. 252, 253, 409, 749, 770, hic autem religiosum quia agitur de gente Judaica, apud quam non fuit Ecclesia, sed modo Ecclesiae externum separatum ab interno, n. 4281, 4288, 4289, 4307, 4433, 4500, 4680, 4825, 4844, 4847; hoc non aliter vocari potest quam religiosum, potuerunt enim in sancto externo esse, et prorsus absque sancto interno, n. 4293; et ex repraesentatione `Jehudae' quod sit gens e Jacobo et in specie quae ex Jehudah, de qua supra n. 4815, 4842.

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