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属天的奥秘 第5454节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5454

5454. Or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are spies. That this signifies that otherwise it is certain that you have truths only for the sake of gain, is evident from the signification of "by the life of Pharaoh," as being of a certainty (see n. 5449); and from the signification of "spies," as being they who are in the truths of the church only to seek gain (n. 5432, 5438, 5447). A further explication of these and the immediately preceding words is omitted, because they have been unfolded already in a general way, and moreover they are such as cannot fall distinctly into the understanding; for general things must first be in the understanding, and then particular things may come in under them, such as are contained in the preceding words. If the generals have not been first received, the particulars are not admitted, and even excite disgust; for there can be no affection for particulars, unless generals have previously entered with affection.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5454

5454. 'And if not, as sure as Pharaoh lives, you are spies' means that otherwise it is a certainty that truths exist with you solely for the sake of gain. This is clear from the meaning of 'as sure as Pharaoh lives' as a certainty, dealt with in 5449, and from the meaning of 'spies' as ones who are interested in the truths known to the Church solely for the sake of material gain, dealt with in 5432, 5438, 5447. No fuller explanation of these words and those immediately before them is attempted here as a general explanation has appeared already in what went before, apart from which they are the kinds of matters that cannot possibly present themselves at all clearly to the understanding. For general ideas must exist first in the understanding, and only then can the particular details such as are contained in what went previously be added. If general ideas are not received first, particular details are by no means allowed in. Indeed they are a source of boredom since no affection for such details exists unless the general ideas have entered in with affection prior to that.

Latin(1748-1756) 5454

5454. `Et si non, vivat Pharaoh, quod exploratores vos': quod significet alias certum quod vera, vobis solum lucri causa, constat ex significatione `vivat Pharaoh' quod sit certum, de qua n. (x)5449; et ex significatione `exploratorum' quod sint in Ecclesiae veris solum ad captandum lucrum, de qua n. 5432, 5438, (x)5447. Haec et quae proxime praecedunt ulterius {1}explicari supersedentur, quia in antecedentibus in communi explicata sunt, et praeterea sunt talia quae non distincte in intellectum cadere possunt; communia enim prius in intellectu erunt, et tunc primum subintrant particularia qualia continentur in {2}his antecedentibus; communia si non recepta fuerint prius, particularia nequaquam admittuntur, immo faciunt taedium, nam nulla affectio particularium datur nisi prius communia intrarunt cum affectione. @1 explicare supersedetur$ @2 mox$

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