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属天的奥秘 第5461节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5461

5461. Let one of your brethren be bound in the house of your custody. That this signifies that faith in the will must be separated, is evident from the representation of Simeon, who is "one of their brethren who was to be bound" (verse 24), as being faith in the will (see n. 3869-3872, 4497, 4502-4503); and from the signification of "being bound in the house of your custody," as being to be separated (n. 5083, 5101, 5452, 5456). The case herein is that when faith in the will, or the will of doing the truth of faith, is separated from those who are in the truths of the church, then connection with the Divine is so slight that it is hardly more than acknowledgment; for the influx of the Divine from the Lord with the regenerate man is into good and thence into truth, or what is the same, into the will and thence into the understanding. Insofar therefore as the man who is in the truths of faith receives good from the Lord, so far the Lord forms in him a new will in his intellectual part (that it is in the intellectual part may be seen above, n. 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113), and so far the Lord flows in, and produces the affection of doing what is good, that is, of exercising charity toward the neighbor. From all this it is evident what is meant by faith in the will (represented by Simeon) being separated before the intermediate, which is "Benjamin," became present.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5461

5461. 'One brother among you is to be in bonds in the house of your custody' means that faith in the will must be separated. This is clear from the representation of Simeon - who is the 'one brother who is to be in bonds', named in verse 24 - as faith in the will, dealt with in 3869-3872, 4497, 4502, 4503; and from the meaning of 'being in bonds in the house of custody' as being separated, dealt with in 5083, 5101, 5452, 5456. The implications of this are that when faith in the will - that is, when the will which desires to put the truth of faith into practice - is separated from people with whom the truths known to the Church are present, the link with the Divine is in that case so slender that it is little more than an awareness.

[2] In the case of someone who has been regenerated the Divine flows from the Lord into good, and from this into truth; or what amounts to the same, it flows into his will, and from there into his understanding. To the extent therefore that someone with whom the truths of faith are present receives good from the Lord, the Lord forms for him a new will within the understanding part of his mind (why in the understanding part, see 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113), and the Lord enters in there and creates an affection to do good, that is, to exercise charity towards the neighbour. From this one may see what is meant by the explanation that faith in the will must be separated, which faith is represented by 'Simeon', before the intermediary, which is 'Benjamin', comes to be present.

Latin(1748-1756) 5461

5461. `Frater vester unus {1}vincietur in domo custodiae vestrae': quod significet quod fides voluntate separabitur, constat ex repraesentatione `Shimeonis' qui hic est `frater unus qui vinciebatur', vers. 24, quod sit fides voluntate, de qua n. 3869-3872, 4497, 4502, 4503; et a significatione `vinciri in domo custodiae' quod sit separari, de qua n. 5083, 5101, 5452, 5456. Cum hoc ita se habet: cum fides voluntate, seu voluntas faciendi verum quod fidei, separatur ab illis qui in Ecclesiae veris sunt, tunc nexus cum Divino est tam levis ut vix magis sit quam agnitio; [2]influxus enim {2}Divini a Domino' apud hominem regeneratum est in bonum et inde in verum, seu quod idem, in voluntatem et inde in intellectum; quantum itaque homo qui in veris fidei est, recipit bonum a Domino, tantum format Dominus apud illum novam voluntatem in parte ejus intellectuali, quod in parte intellectuali, videatur {3} 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, et tantum (t)influit Dominus, et facit affectionem bonum faciendi, hoc est, exercendi charitatem erga proximum; ex his constare potest quid intelligitur per quod fides voluntate separabitur, quae per `Shimeonem' repraesentatur, antequam medium quod erat `Benjamin', sisteretur praesens. @1 see p. 165,ft 3$ @2 Domini$ @3 i 863, 875, 895$

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