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属天的奥秘 第5628节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5628

5628. And God Shaddai. That this signifies consolation after hardships, is evident from the signification of "Shaddai," as being temptation and consolation after it (n. 1992, 4572); here therefore consolation after the hardships they had suffered in Egypt. That it is consolation after hardships is plain also from the words that follow in continuance-"give you mercies before the man." That "Shaddai" signifies temptation and consolation after it, is because the ancients designated the One Only God by various names, according to the various things that were from Him; and as they believed that temptations were from Him, they then called God "Shaddai," and by this name they did not mean another God, but the Only One in respect to temptations. But when the Ancient Church declined, they began to worship as many gods as there were names for the One Only God, and also of themselves added to them many more. This practice at last became so prevalent that every family had its own god, and they wholly distinguished him from the rest who were worshiped by other families. [2] Terah's family, of which was Abraham, worshiped Shaddai for its god (see n. 1356, 1992, 2559, 3667); and hence not only Abraham, but Jacob also, acknowledged Shaddai as his god, even in the land of Canaan; and this was permitted them lest they should be forced from their own religiosity; for no one is forced from what he regards as holy. But as the ancients understood by "Shaddai" Jehovah Himself, or the Lord, who was so styled when they underwent temptations, therefore Jehovah or the Lord regained this name with Abraham, as is plain from Gen. 17:1, and also with Jacob, Gen. 35:11. The reason why not merely temptation, but consolation also, is signified by "Shaddai," is that consolation follows all spiritual temptations. This has been given me to know by experience in the other life; for when anyone there suffers hard things from evil spirits, through infestations, incitements to evils, and persuasions to falsities, after the evil spirits have been removed, he is received by angels, and is brought into a state of comfort by means of a delight conformable to his genius.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5628

5628. 'And may God Shaddai' means the comfort that follows hardships. This is clear from the meaning of 'Shaddai' as temptation, also the comfort that follows temptation, dealt with in 1992, 4572, here therefore the comfort which followed all the hardships they experienced in Egypt. The meaning here - the comfort that follows severe sufferings - is also evident from the words 'grant you mercy before the man' which immediately follow. The reason why 'Shaddai' means temptation, also the comfort that follows temptation, is that the ancients gave the one and only God various illustrious names which were descriptive of the various things that came from Him; and because they believed that even temptations came from Him they called Him 'God Shaddai'. They did not understand some other God by this name but the one and only God so far as temptations were concerned. When however the Ancient Church went downhill they began to worship as many gods as there were names of the one and only God; indeed they increased the number of them with many more which they themselves invented. This trend continued until at length each family had its own god whom that family kept quite distinct and separate from all other gods worshipped by other families.

[2] The family of Terah, which Abraham came from, worshipped Shaddai as its particular god, see 1356, 1992, 2559, 3667. Consequently not only Abraham but Jacob too recognized Shaddai as their god; and they did so in the land of Canaan. But to avoid any compulsion of them to forsake the form of religion they had - for no one is compelled to forsake what for him is holy - they were allowed to keep to it. However, because the ancients had meant Jehovah Himself or the Lord by the name Shaddai, which they used when they underwent temptations, Jehovah or the Lord took this name in His dealings with Abraham, as is evident from Gen 17:1, and-also in His dealings with Jacob, Gen 35:11.

[3] The reason why not only temptation but also comfort is meant by 'Shaddai' is that comfort follows all spiritual temptations, as I have been allowed to know from experience in the next life. When anyone there is subjected to hardships at the hands of evil spirits, who attack him, incite him to evil practices, and persuade him to accept falsities, he is subsequently received by angels, once the evil spirits have been turned away, and he is brought into a state of consolation by means of some delight in keeping with his character.

Latin(1748-1756) 5628

5628. `Et Deus Shaddai': quod significet consolationem post dura, constat ex significatione `Shaddai' quod sit tentatio, et post tentationem consolatio, de qua n. 1992, 4572, hic itaque consolatio post dura quae passi sunt {1} in Aegypto; quod sit consolatio post dura, patet quoque a verbis quae continenter sequuntur `det vobis misericordias coram viro'. Quod `Shaddai' significet tentationem, et post tentationem consolationem, est quia antiqui insigniverunt Unicum Deum variis nominibus, secundum varia quae ab Ipso; et quia crediderunt etiam tentationes ab Ipso fuisse, vocaverunt tunc Deum {2} Shaddai, at per id nomen non alium Deum intellexerunt sed Unicum quoad tentationes; verum cum Antiqua Ecclesia declinavit, coeperunt tot deos colere quot nomina Unici Dei fuerunt, et quoque ex se plures superaddiderunt; hoc tandem ita invaluit ut unaquaevis familia haberet suum deum, et prorsus {3}distingueret illum a reliquis qui ab aliis colebantur; [2] familia Terahi, e qua Abraham, pro suo deo colebat Shaddai, videatur n. 1356,1992,2559,3667, inde non solum Abraham sed etiam Jacob (illum) ut suum deum agnoscebant, et quoque in terra Canaan; at ne (c)a `religioso suo' cogerentur, nemo enim a suo sancto cogitur, permittebatur hoc illis; sed quia ab antiquis per illum intellectus fuit Ipse Jehovah seu Dominus, Qui ita appellatus cum tentationes subiverunt, ideo Jehovah seu Dominus recepit hoc nomen apud Abrahamum, ut patet ex Gen. xvii 1, et quoque apud Jacobum, Gen. xxxv 11. Quod non modo tentatio sed etiam consolatio per `Shaddai' significetur, est quia post omnes tentationes spirituales sequitur consolatio; quod ab experientia in altera vita scire datum est; cum enim ibi aliquis dura patitur a spiritibus malis per infestationes, excitationes ad mala, et persuasiones ad falsa, post cum spiritus mali remoti sunt, recipitur is ab angelis et in statum solatii per jucundum ejus genio conforme perducitur. @1 i prima vice cum fuerunt$ @2 i nomine$ @3 distinguerent I$

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