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属天的奥秘 第5642节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5642

5642. And slaying slay and make ready. That this signifies through the goods of the exterior natural, is evident from the signification of "slaying," as involving that which is slain-an ox, a bullock, a he-goat, or other cattle-as being the goods of the natural (that an "ox" and a "bullock" are the goods of the natural may be seen above, n. 2180, 2566, 2781, 2830); here the goods of the exterior natural, because through these they were now first introduced to conjunction; for his "bringing the men to Joseph's house" signifies the first introduction into the good which is from the celestial of the spiritual (see below n. 5645). As the "bullock" and "ox" signified the goods of the natural, everything done in regard to them also signified this good, for the one involved the other.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5642

5642. 'And slaughter and prepare [an animal]' means through the forms of good belonging to the exterior natural. This is clear from the meaning of 'slaughtering' - implying that which was slaughtered, namely an ox, young bull, he-goat or other member of the flock - as forms of good belonging to the natural. 'An ox' and 'a young bull' mean forms of good belonging to the natural, see 2180, 2566, 2781, 2830, in this case forms of good belonging to the exterior natural because they are the means by which the truths are first introduced to effect a joining together. For 'he brought the men to Joseph's house' means the first introduction into good coming from the celestial of the spiritual, see below in 5645. Because 'a young bull and an ox' meant forms of good in the natural, every activity involving these meant that good too; for the one entailed the other.

Latin(1748-1756) 5642

5642. `Et mactando macta et praepara': quod significet per bona naturalis exterioris, constat ex significatione `mactare' quod involvat {1}id quod mactabatur, nempe bovem, juvencum, hircum aut aliud pecus quod sint bona naturalis; quod `bos ac juvencus' sint bona naturalis, videatur n. 2180, 2566, 2781, 2830, hic bona naturalis exterioris quia per illa nunc primum ad conjunctionem introducebantur; nam quod `adduxit viros domum Josephi' significat introductionem primam in bonum quod a caelesti spiritualis, videatur infra n. 5645; quia `juvencus et bos' significabant bona naturalis, etiam omnis operatio significabat bonum illud, unum enim involvebat alterum. @1 idem cum juvenco aut bove, qui mactabantur$

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