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属天的奥秘 第6151节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6151

6151. Wherefore they sold not their ground. That this signifies that for this reason they had no need to renounce and submit them, is evident from the signification of "selling," as being to renounce (of which above, n. 6143), thus to submit, for that which is renounced is submitted to another; and from the signification of the "ground," that is, of the priests of Egypt, as being the capacity to receive good in the natural (of which also above, n. 6148). That for this reason they had no need, namely, to renounce and submit them, is signified by the expression, "Wherefore not."

Elliott(1983-1999) 6151

6151. Therefore they did not sell their ground' means that for this reason they had no need to renounce those things or surrender them. This is clear from the meaning of 'selling' as renouncing, dealt with above in 6143, and so surrendering, since that which is renounced is surrendered to another; and from the meaning of 'ground' - that of the priests of Egypt - as the capacity to receive good in the natural, also dealt with above, in 6148. That for this reason they had no need to - to renounce and surrender those things - is meant by 'therefore they did not'.

Latin(1748-1756) 6151

6151. `Propterea non vendiderunt humum suam': quod significet quod idcirco non opus habuerint abdicare et submittere illa, constat a significatione `vendere' quod sit abdicare, de qua supra n. 6143, ita submittere, nam quod abdicatur, hoc alteri submittitur; et a significatione `humi' nempe sacerdotum Aegypti, quod sit facultas recipiendi bonum in naturali, de qua etiam supra, n. 6148; quod idcirco non opus haberent, nempe abdicare et submittere illa, significatur per `propterea non'.

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