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属天的奥秘 第6224节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6224

6224. And said, Behold thy son Joseph cometh unto thee. That this signifies the presence of the internal, is evident from the representation of Joseph, as being the internal (see n. 6177); and from the signification of "coming to" anyone, as being presence (see n. 5934, 5941, 5947, 6063, 6089). That "Joseph" is here the internal, and in other places the internal celestial, is in application to those things which are beneath in the natural; when it is applied to the lower things of the natural which are represented by Jacob, it is then called the "internal," and in like manner when it is applied to Pharaoh; but when it is applied to the interior things of the natural, which are represented by Israel, and also by his ten sons, it is then called the "internal celestial," and "internal good," and this on account of the influx.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6224

6224. 'And said, Behold, your son Joseph has come to you' means the presence of the internal. This is clear from the representation of Joseph' as the internal, 6177; and from the meaning of coming to someone' as presence, dealt with in 5934, 5941, 5947, 6063, 6089. 'Joseph' is the internal and in some other places the internal celestial, which one depending on the things with which it is connected in the natural below. The term 'the internal' is used when the connection is with the lower parts of the natural, which are represented by 'Jacob', and similarly when the connection is with Pharaoh. But the terms 'the internal celestial' and 'internal good' are used when the connection is with the interior parts of the natural, which are represented by 'Israel' and also by 'his ten sons' each connection existing because one flows into the other.

Latin(1748-1756) 6224

6224. `Et dixit, Ecce filius tuus Josephus venit ad te': quod significet praesentiam interni, constat ex repraesentatione `Josephi' quod sit internum, n. 6177; et ex significatione `venire ad aliquem' quod sit praesentia, de qua n. 5934, 5941, 5947, 6063, 6089. Quod `Josephus' sit internum, et alibi quod caeleste internum, est applicate ad illa quae infra in naturali; cum applicatur ad inferiora naturalis quae repraesentantur per `Jacobum', tunc dicitur internum; similiter cum applicatur ad `Pharaonem'; at cum applicatur ad interiora naturalis quae repraesentantur per `Israelem' et quoque per `decem filios ejus', tunc dicitur caeleste internum, et bonum internum, et hoc propter influxum.

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