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属天的奥秘 第6240节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6240

6240. Shall be thine. That this signifies that they shall be in the rational, which is the internal, is evident from the fact that the internal celestial which is represented by Joseph, is in the rational (see n. 4286, 4963); and therefore by "being thine" is signified that they shall be in the rational, as before by "being mine" was signified that they should be in the natural, in which is the truth of the natural which is represented by Jacob (n. 6236). What the rational is shall be briefly told. The intellectual of the internal man is called "rational," but the intellectual of the external man is called "natural;" thus the rational is internal, and the natural is external; and they are perfectly distinct from each other. But a truly rational man is no other than he who is called a celestial man, and who has perception of good, and from good perception of truth; whereas he who has not this perception, but only the knowledge that a thing is true because he is so instructed, and from this has conscience, is not truly a rational man, but is an interior natural man. Such are they who are of the Lord's spiritual church. They differ from the celestial as the light of the moon differs from the light of the sun; and therefore the Lord appears to the spiritual as a moon, but to the celestial as a sun (see n. 1521, 1529-1531, 4060, 4696). [2] Many in the world suppose that a rational man is one who can reason acutely about many things, and so join his reasonings together that his conclusions may appear like truth; but this is found in the very worst of men, who are able to reason skillfully and persuade that evils are goods, and that falsities are truths; and the reverse. But he who reflects can see that this is vicious phantasy, and not what is rational. The rational consists in inwardly seeing and perceiving that good is good, and from this that truth is truth; for the sight and perception of such men are from heaven. That they who are of the Lord's spiritual church are interiorly natural, is because they only acknowledge as truth that which they have received from their parents and masters, and afterward have confirmed in themselves; and do not see inwardly, and perceive, whether it is true from any other source than that they have confirmed it in themselves. It is otherwise with the celestial; and it is from this that the latter are rational, but the former interiorly natural. The internal celestial which is represented by Joseph, is in the rational; whereas the spiritual good which is represented by Israel, is in the interior natural (n. 4286); for it is the spiritual who are represented by Israel, and the celestial who are represented by Joseph.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6240

6240. 'Will be yours' means that they will be in the rational which is within the internal. This is clear from the consideration that the internal celestial represented by 'Joseph' exists in the rational, 4286, 4963, and therefore 'will be yours' means that they will be in the rational, just as previously 'they are mine' meant within the natural, in which the truth of the natural represented by 'Jacob' exists, 6236.

Let a brief statement be made about what the rational is The area of understanding within the internal man is called the rational, while the area of understanding in the external man is called the natural, so that the rational is internal and the natural is external; and the two are completely distinct and separate from each other. A truly rational person is none other than one who is called a celestial person; that person enjoys a perception of what is good, and from that good a perception of what is true. But a person who does not have such perception but merely an awareness that a thing is true, because he has been taught that it is, and has a conscience as a result of that awareness, is not truly a rational person but an interiorly natural one. He is what those who belong to the Lord's spiritual Church are like. These two kinds of people are as different from each other as the light of the moon is from the light of the sun; and that also is why the Lord is seen by spiritual angels as the moon but by celestial ones as the sun, 1521, 1529-1531, 4060, 4696. Very many in the world imagine that a rational person is one who can reason with skill on many subjects and link one piece of reasoning to another in such a way that the conclusion he draws seems to be the truth. But that ability occurs even in very wicked people who are expert reasoners and can make the deduction that evil things are good and false ideas are true, or that good things are evil and true ideas are false. But anyone who stops to reflect can that this is wicked imagination and not rationality. Rationality consists in seeing inwardly and perceiving that what is good is indeed good, and from this that what is true is indeed true; for such vision and perception of these things comes from heaven. The reason why those who belong to the Lord's spiritual Church are interiorly natural people is that they acknowledge as true only what they have learned from parents and teachers and later on firmly established for themselves. There is nothing else from which they can see inwardly or perceive whether a thing is true except what they have thus firmly established for themselves - unlike those who are celestial; which is why the latter are rational people, whereas the former are interior natural ones. The internal celestial, which 'Joseph' represents, exists in the rational, but spiritual good, which 'Israel' represents, exists in the interior natural, 4286; for they are spiritual people who are represented by' Israel', and celestial ones who are represented by 'Joseph'.

Latin(1748-1756) 6240

6240. `Tibi erunt': quod significet quod in rationali quod in interno, constat ex eo quod caeleste internum quod repraesentatur per `Josephum', sit in rationali, n. 4286, 4963; ac ideo per `tibi erunt' significatur quod in rationali, ut prius per `mihi illi' {1} quod in naturali, in quo verum naturalis quod per `Jacobum' repraesentatur, n. 6236. Quid rationale {2} paucis dicendum: intellectuale interni hominis dicitur rationale, at intellectuale externi hominis dicitur naturale; ita rationale est internum et naturale {3} externum; suntque inter se distinctissima; sed vere rationalis homo non est nisi quam qui caelestis homo vocatur, et qui perceptionem habet boni, et ex bono {4}perceptionem veri; at qui non perceptionem illam habet, sed modo cognitionem quod verum sit, quia ita instructus, ac inde conscientiam, non vere est rationalis homo sed est homo interior naturalis; qui a spirituali Domini Ecclesia sunt, tales sunt; {5} differunt inter se sicut differt lumen lunae a lumine solis; quapropter etiam Dominus apparet spiritualibus ut luna, at caelestibus ut sol, n. 1521, 1529-1531, 4060, 4696. (s){6}Plures in mundo putant quod rationalis homo sit qui ingeniose potest ratiocinari de multis, et ratiocinia ita conjungere ut quod concludit, appareat {7}sicut verum; sed hoc cadit etiam in pessimos, qui (x)ratiocinari possunt solerter et inducere quod mala sint bona, et quod falsa sint vera, et quoque vice versa; sed quod hoc sit phantasia prava, non autem rationale, qui reflectit, potest {8}videre: rationale est intus videre et percipere quod bonum sit bonum, et inde quod verum sit verum, visus enim illorum et perceptio est e caelo; quod illi qui ab Ecclesia `Domini spirituali' sint interius naturales, est quia id modo pro vero {9} agnoscunt quod a parentibus et magistris hauserunt, et {10} postea ipsi apud se confirmarunt, {11}et non vident intus et percipiunt {12}num verum sit aliunde quam ex eo quod apud se id confirmarunt; aliter caelestes; inde est quod (s)hi sint rationales, illi autem interius naturales. (s) Caeleste internum quod repraesentatur per `Josephum', est in rationali; at bonum spirituale quod repraesentatur per `Israelem', est in interiore naturali, n. 4286; sunt enim spirituales qui repraesentantur per `Israelem', et caelestes qui per `Josephum'. @1 i significatur$ @2 i etiam$ @3 i est$ @4 quid verum$ @5 i ac$ @6 in A directions are given to insert this separate sheet at end of number, so that the last sentence Caeleste internum etc. would come here.$ @7 ut$ @8 scire$ @9 i et bono$ @10 i quod$ @11 ita$ @12 num id quod agnoscunt suo credo sit verum et quod credunt verum quia confirmarunt apud se$ @13 non$

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