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属天的奥秘 第6275节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6275

6275. And he blessed Joseph. That this signifies a prediction with respect to the truth of the intellectual and the good of the will having life from the internal, is evident from the signification of "blessing," as being prediction (see n. 6230, 6254); and from the representation of Ephraim and Manasseh, who here are "Joseph," as being the truth of the intellectual and the good of the will in the natural, born from the internal (n. 6234, 6249). That by "Joseph" are meant his sons, is evident from the blessing itself, in which it is said, "The Angel who redeemeth me from all evil, bless the boys, and let my name be called in them;" and the reason is that this good and truth in the natural, represented by Manasseh and Ephraim, are the very internal there. The internal and the external are indeed distinct from each other; but in the natural, where they are together, the internal is as in its own adapted form, which form does nothing from itself, but only from the internal within it; thus it is merely acted upon. The case herein is like the efficient in the effect: the efficient and the effect are distinct from each other, yet the efficient is in the effect as in its own adapted form, and through it acts as cause in the sphere where the effect is produced. In man the like is the case with the good and truth in the natural, born from the internal; for the internal clothes itself with such things as belong to the natural, in order that it may be there and lead a life there; but the things with which it clothes itself are nothing but coverings, which of themselves do nothing at all.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6275

6275. 'And he blessed Joseph' means a foretelling about the truth belonging to the understanding and the good belonging to the will, both of which possess life from the internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'blessing' as a foretelling, dealt with in 6230, 6254; and from the representation of Ephraim and Manasseh, to whom the name 'Joseph' applies here, as truth belonging to the understanding and good belonging to the will within the natural, which are born from the internal, dealt with in 6234, 6249. The fact that the name 'Joseph' is used to mean his sons is evident from the actual blessing, which declares,

The angel redeeming me from every evil, may he bless the boys, and in them will my name be called.

And the reason why they are called 'Joseph' is that the goodness and truth within the natural, which are represented by 'Manasseh and Ephraim', exist there as the internal itself.

[2] Internal and external are, it is true, distinct and separate from each other; but within the natural, where they are both together, the internal resides as if within a form of its own, perfectly suited to it. That form does not at all act independently but under the direction of the internal within it, and so is merely an agent. It is like the efficient cause within an effect. The efficient cause and the effect are distinct and separate from each other; yet the efficient cause resides within the effect as if the effect were its own form, perfectly suited to it, and through that form it acts as the cause in the sphere where the effect is produced. Something similar to this goes on with goodness and truth in a person's natural, which are born from the internal. The internal clothes itself with such things as belong to the natural, so that it can reside there and lead its life there. But the things with which it clothes itself are nothing else than coverings, which do not act independently.

Latin(1748-1756) 6275

6275. `Et benedixit Josepho': quod significet praedictionem de vero intellectualis et bono voluntarii vitam habentibus ex interno, constat ex significatione `benedicere' quod sit praedictio, de qua n. 6230, 6254; et ex repraesentatione `Ephraimi et Menashis' qui hic sunt Josephus, quod sint verum intellectualis et bonum voluntarii in naturali nata ab interno, de qua n. 6234, (x)6249; quod per `Josephum' {1} intelligantur filii ejus, patet ab ipsa benedictione, in qua dicitur `angelus redimens me ab omni malo benedicat pueris, et vocabitur in illis nomen meum'; et est causa quia bonum illud et verum in naturali, quae repraesentantur per `Menashen et Ephraimum', sunt ipsum internum ibi; [2] internum et externum {2}sunt quidem inter se distincta, sed in naturali ubi simul sunt, est internum ut in sua forma sibi adaequata, quae forma nihil {3}ex se, sed ex interno quod inibi, agit, ita modo agitur; se habet hoc sicut efficiens in effectu; efficiens et effectus sunt inter se distincti, sed usque est efficiens in effectu ut in sua forma sibi adaequata, et per illam agit causam in sphaera ubi {4}sistitur effectus. Similiter se habet cum bono et vero in naturali apud hominem, quae nata sunt ab interno; internum enim {5} induit se talibus quae naturalis sunt, ut possit ibi esse, et ibi {6} vitam agere; sed illa quibus se induit, non sunt aliud quam integumenta quae a se prorsus nihil agunt. @1 i hic$ @2 before Internum$ @3 agit ex se, sed est Internum quod ibi agit, et quidem per formam$ @4 est$ @5 i modo$ @6 i convenienter$

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