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属天的奥秘 第6384节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6384

6384. Shall dwell at the haven of the seas. That this signifies life where there is conclusion of truth from memory-knowledges, is evident from the signification of "haven," as being the residence where memory-knowledges terminate and begin; here, the residence where there is conclusion of truth from memory-knowledges, for under the name of "Zebulun" those are here treated of with whom the truths of faith are in this residence; from the signification of "seas," as being memory-knowledges in the complex (n. 28); and from the signification of "dwelling," as being life (n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051). From this it is plain that by "dwelling at the haven of the seas" is signified life where there is conclusion of truth from memory-knowledges. (As regards this life see what has been said above, n. 6383.) Be it known further that this life is in the external or natural man, and with some in the lowest natural, or in the sensuous, for they have the truths of faith so bound to memory-knowledges that they cannot be elevated. Hence also they are in obscurity more than all others in the spiritual church; for they have but little light from the intellectual, because this has been immersed in memory-knowledges and sensuous things. The case is different with those who have been in what is affirmative, and have fortified the truths of faith by means of memory-knowledges; but yet so that they can be elevated from these knowledges, that is, from the natural where these are. The intellectual of these men has been enlightened, and from this is in a certain perception of spiritual truth, to which the memory-knowledges that are beneath serve as a mirror wherein the truths of faith and of charity appear and are acknowledged, as affections are in the face.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6384

6384. 'Will dwell at the haven of the seas' means a life in which truth inferred from known facts is present. This is clear from the meaning of 'the haven' as the place where factual knowledge ends and begins, in this case the place where truth inferred from factual knowledge is present, since 'Zebulun' here refers to those with whom the truths of faith reside in that knowledge; from the meaning of 'the seas' as known facts in their entirety, dealt with in 28; and from the meaning of 'dwelling' as life, dealt with in 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051. From this it is evident that by 'will dwell at the haven of the seas' is meant a Life in which truth inferred from known facts is present. As regards that life, see what has been stated immediately above in 6383. But this also should be known about it, that that life resides in the external or natural man, with some people in the lowest part of the natural, which is the level of the senses; for with them the truths of faith have been tied to factual knowledge in such a way that they cannot be raised above it. This also explains why they are in greater obscurity than anyone else in the spiritual Church; for they receive little light from their understanding, since it is preoccupied with factual knowledge and sensory impressions. It is different with those who have had an affirmative attitude of mind and have used factual knowledge to corroborate the truths of faith, but in such a way that they can be raised above factual knowledge, that is, above the natural, where that knowledge resides. These people have an enlightened understanding and so enjoy some perception of spiritual truth, which is served by factual knowledge beneath. That knowledge acts as a mirror in which the truths of faith and charity are seen and recognized, even as affections are seen in the face.

Latin(1748-1756) 6384

6384. `Ad portum marium habitabit': quod significet vitam ubi conclusio veri ex scientificis, constat a significatione `(x)portus' quod sit statio ubi scientifica terminantur et incohant, hic statio ubi conclusio veri ex scientificis, nam per `Zebulonem' hic agitur de illis {1}apud quos vera fidei ibi sunt'; ex significatione `marium' quod sint scientifica in complexu, de qua n. 28; et ex significatione `habitare' quod sit vita, de qua n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451, 6051; inde patet quod per `ad portum marium habitabit' significetur vita ubi conclusio veri ex scientificis. Quod vitam illam attinet, videantur quae mox supra n. 6383 dicta sunt, de qua vita porro sciendum quod ea sit in externo seu naturali homine, et apud quosdam in infimo naturali seu in sensuali, nam vera fidei {2} alligata scientificis {3}habent ita ut elevari nequeant; inde quoque prae reliquis in Ecclesia spirituali in obscuro sunt; ex intellectuali enim parum lucis habent, nam id immersum est scientificis et sensualibus; aliter se habet apud illos qui in affirmativo fuerunt, et vera fidei per scientifica firmarunt, sed tamen ita ut a scientificis, hoc est, a naturali ubi scientifica, {4} elevari possint; {5}horum intellectuale illustratum est, et sic in quadam perceptione veri spiritualis, cui serviunt scientifica quae infra sunt, sicut pro speculo in quo, sicut affectiones in facie, vera quae fidei et charitatis apparent et {6}agnoscuntur. @1 qui vera fidei in scientificis habent$ @2 i eorum$ @3 sunt$ @4 i versus interiora ubi vera in sua luce sunt,$ @5 illorum$ @6 cognoscuntur$

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