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属天的奥秘 第6448节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6448

6448. And blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them. That this signifies predictions as to the spiritual life, of what would happen to each one in such a state, is evident from the signification of "blessing," as being prediction (see n. 6230, 6254); and from the signification of "every one according to his blessing he blessed them," as being what would happen to each one. That it is as to the spiritual life of each one in such a state, is plain from all that has been said in this chapter of the sons of Israel or the tribes named from them; for by them are described all states of the church as to goods and truths, thus as to the spiritual life of everyone within the church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6448

6448. 'And he blessed them, each according to his blessing he blessed them' means foretellings about what was going to happen to each one's spiritual life when they entered that state. This is clear from the meaning of 'blessing' as foretelling, dealt with in 6230, 6254; and from the meaning of 'each according to his blessing he blessed them' as what was going to happen to each one. The fact that what is foretold has to do with each one's spiritual life when they entered that state is evident from all that has been stated in the present chapter regarding Israel's sons or the tribes named after them; for they are used to describe all states of the Church so far as forms of good and truth are concerned, thus so far as the spiritual life of everyone in the Church is concerned.

Latin(1748-1756) 6448

6448. `Et benedixit illis, cuique quod secundum benedictionem ejus benedixit illis': quod significet praedictiones de vita spirituali quid eveniret cuique cum in tali statu, constat ex significatione `benedicere' quod sit praedictio, de qua n. 6230, 6254; et ex significatione `cuique quod secundum benedictionem ejus benedixit illis' quod sit quid eveniret cuique {1}; quod sit de vita spirituali quae cuivis in tali statu, patet ab omnibus illis quae de filiis Israelis seu tribubus ab illis nominatis in hoc capite dicta sunt; {2}describuntur enim per illos omnes status Ecclesiae quoad bona et vera ita quoad vitam spiritualem cujusvis intra Ecclesiam. @1 i nam hoc praedictionis, quod per benedictionem significatur$ @2 describitur$

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