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属天的奥秘 第6484节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6484

6484. There was a certain one who had confirmed himself in the notion that nothing is of the Divine Providence, but that each and all things are of sagacity, and are also from fortune and chance. He granted that there is fortune, but knew not what it is. He was one of the subtle evil spirits, because he had been more given to thought than to speech and conversation. When he came into the other life he continued there his former life, as all do; he sought out and learned all things-even magical arts-that he supposed might be of service to him, and by means of which he might take such care of himself as to be fortunate from himself. I conversed with him, and he said that he was in his heaven when this was the case, and that there could not possibly be any other heaven than that which he made for himself. But it was given to answer that his heaven is turned into hell as soon as the real heaven flows into it. He was then in the world of spirits, and when spirits are there they are in the delights of the loves in which they had been in the world (see n. 5852). But it then came to pass that heaven flowed into his delight, and he then suddenly felt hell, and said with horror that he had never believed this. I was told by good spirits that he was worse than the others because there was a more subtle influx from him than from the others. Afterward the same spirit was reduced into the state of his infancy, and the Lord showed the angels what his quality had been at that time, and also what was the then foreseen quality of his future life, and that every detail of his life had been led by the Lord, and that he would have plunged into the most atrocious hell if there had been even the least cessation of the continual providence of the Lord. This can be presented to view before the angels. He was also asked whether he had ever thought about eternal life. He said that he had not believed in it, and that he had rejected everything of the kind, because he saw so much confusion, the righteous suffering, and the wicked glorying, with other such things; also because he saw that brute animals have similar senses and life, also discernment and sagacity; thus he had believed that he should die as they do. He said that he had been in the utmost amazement when he perceived that he lived after death.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6484

6484. There was a certain spirit who had become quite convinced that nothing was the work of Divine Providence, but that every single thing was attributable to prudence, and also to fortune and chance. He asserted the existence of fortune yet did not know what it was. He was one of the evil spirits who are crafty, for he had spent more time in thinking than in talking to and mixing with others. When he entered the next life he continued there the life he had led previously, as everyone usually does. He enquired after and also learned about everything - including magical devices - which he thought might be of service to him, in looking out for his own happiness. I talked to him and he said that he was in his heaven when things were thus, and that no other heaven could possibly exist than that which he created for himself. But I was led to reply that his kind of heaven is turned into hell as soon as heaven as it really is flows into it. (That spirit was at this time in the world of spirits, and when people are there they experience the joys associated with the loves that ruled them when they were in the world, 5852). It so happened that at that point heaven flowed into that spirit's joy, and suddenly he had the feeling of hell. Horrified by it he said that he would never have believed it. Some good spirits told me that he was more wicked than all the rest, for what flowed from him had more craftiness in it than what flowed from others.

[2] After this the same spirit was taken back into the state of his early childhood. The Lord showed the angels what that state had been like, and also what his future life was foreseen to be like. It was shown that every specific detail of his life had been subject to the Lord's guidance, and that if it had not been he would have thrown himself headlong into an utterly horrible hell, that is, if there had been the smallest lapse in the constant watch kept by the Lord's Providence, as can be demonstrated to the angels in a visual manner. The spirit was also asked whether he ever thought about eternal life. He said that he had no belief in it and cast aside everything of the kind, for the reason that he saw so much confusion, the suffering of the righteous and boasting of the wicked, and the like. He also saw, he said, that animals have senses similar to men's, and similar life, as well as powers of observation and prudence. So his belief was that when he died he would be like them. He went on to say that he was utterly amazed when he realized that he was alive after death.

Latin(1748-1756) 6484

6484. Quidam erat qui se confirmaverat in eo quod nihil Providentiae Divinae esset, sed quod omnia et singula essent ex prudentia, tum a fortuna et casu; fortunam statuebat sed nesciebat quid esset; erat ille inter spiritus malos subtiles, quia cogitationi plus indulserat quam sermoni et conversationi; cum in alteram vitam venit, continuabat ibi vitam priorem, ut solent omnes; inquisivit et quoque hausit omnia quae ei inservire posse putabat, per quae sibi ipsi consuleret, {1}ut ex se faustus esset, etiam artificia magica. Locutus sum cum illo, et dicebat quod in suo caelo esset cum ita, et quod aliud caelum non posset dari quam quod ipse sibi faceret; sed respondere datum est quod {2}ejus caelum vertatur in infernum, ut primum ipsum caelum in (c)illud influit; erat tunc in mundo spirituum, et cum ibi, sunt in jucundis amorum in quibus fuerant in mundo, n. 5852; at tunc factum quod caelum influeret in ejus jucundum, ac subito tunc sensit infernum, ac horrescens dicebat quod hoc nunquam crediderit; dictum mihi a spiritibus bonis quod is pejor reliquis esset, quia ab illo influxus subtilior quam ab aliis. [2]Postea idem redactus est in statum infantiae suae, et a Domino ostensum angelis qualis tunc fuerat, et quoque tunc qualis ejus vita futura quae praevisa, et quod singula ejus vitae ducta fuerint a Domino, et quod alioquin se praecipitavisset in atrocissimum infernum, si vel minimum a Domini Providentia continua cessavisset; hoc potest angelis sisti videndum{3}. Interrogatus etiam fuit, num usquam cogitaverit de {4}vita aeterna, dicebat quod non crediderit, et quod rejecerit omnia illa, ex causa quia videret tam multa confusa, justum pati et impium gloriari, et similia; tum quod videret bruta animalia habere similes sensus, similem vitam, et quoque animadvertentiam et prudentiam, sic credens se moriturum sicut illa; et quod in maximum stuporem venerit cum apperciperet se post mortem vivere. @1 et $ @2 hoc$ @3 i inde quoque scire datum, quod Providentia Domini sit in singularissimis$ @4 altera vita$

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