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属天的奥秘 第6540节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6540

6540. And he made a mourning for his father seven days. That this signifies the end of the grief, is evident from the signification of "mourning," as being grief before the knowledges of good and truth have been implanted (see n. 6539); and from the signification of "seven days," as being an entire period from beginning to end (n. 728, 2044, 3845, 6508); here therefore the end, because when those days were finished, they passed over the Jordan.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6540

6540. 'And he made a mourning for his father seven days' means the end of the grief. This is clear from the meaning of 'mourning' as the grief that is felt before cognitions of good and truth have been implanted, dealt with immediately above in 6539; and from the meaning of 'seven days' as an entire period from beginning to end, dealt with in 728, 1044, 3845, 6508, here therefore the end, because once that period of days had passed they crossed the Jordan.

Latin(1748-1756) 6540

6540. `Et fecit patri suo luctum septem dies': quod significet finem doloris, constat ex significatione `luctus' quod sit dolor antequam cognitiones boni et veri {1}implantatae sunt, de qua nunc supra n. 6539; et ex significatione `septem dierum' quod sit integra periodus a principio ad finem, de qua n. 728, 2044, 3845, 6508, hic itaque finis, quia peractis illis diebus transibant Jordanem.

@1 implantantur$

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