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属天的奥秘 第6543节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6543

6543. Wherefore they called the name of it Abel-mizraim. That this signifies the quality of the grief, is evident from the signification of a "name" and of "calling by name," as being the quality (see n. 144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3006, 3421), and because in old time names were given which signified things and states, thus the quality (n. 1946, 3422, 4298); therefore the quality itself is signified by "Abel-mizraim," by which name in the original tongue is meant "the mourning of the Egyptians."

Elliott(1983-1999) 6543

6543. 'Therefore they called the name of it Abel Mizraim' means the essential nature of the grief. This is clear from the meaning of 'the name' and 'calling the name' as the essential nature, dealt with in 144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3006, 3421; and since in ancient times names were conferred which had real things and states as their meaning, the essential nature is accordingly meant, 1946, 3422, 4298. The essential nature of the grief is therefore meant by 'Abel Mizraim', a name which means in the original language The Mourning of the Egyptians.

Latin(1748-1756) 6543

6543. `Propterea vocarunt nomen ejus Abel Mizraim {1}': quod significet quale doloris, constat ex significatione `nominis' et `vocare nomen' quod sit quale, de qua n. 144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3006, 3421, {2}et quod antiquitus nomina {3}inderentur quae significabant res et status, ita quale, n. 1946, 3422, 4298; ideo ipsum quale significatur per `Abel Mizraim', per quod nomen in lingua originali significatur luctus Aegyptiorum. @1 A I o qui in transitu Jordanis, but see p. 681, ftnote 3 and 6538$ @2 nam$ @3 indebantur$

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