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属天的奥秘 第6690节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6690

6690. That He made them houses. That this signifies that they, namely, the true memory-knowledges in the natural, were disposed into the heavenly form, is evident from the signification of "house," as being the natural mind (n. 4973, 5023), thus the things of this mind, which here, because midwives are spoken of, are true memory-knowledges in the natural (n. 6687); therefore "to make houses for them" denotes to dispose them into order, and they are disposed into order when they are disposed into the heavenly form. That such is the signification of "making them houses" cannot easily be known, unless it is known how the case is with the true memory-knowledges of the natural mind; wherefore this shall be briefly told. The memory-knowledges in the natural have been disposed into continuous series; one series coheres with another, and in this way they all cohere together according to various affinities and propinquities; and are circumstanced not unlike families and their generations, for one is born from another, and so they become productive. Hence the things of the mind, which are goods and truths, were by the ancients called "houses," the good reigning therein being named "father," and the truth joined to this good, "mother," and the derivations "sons," "daughters," "sons-in-law," "daughters-in-law," and so forth. But the disposition of true memory-knowledges in the natural varies with every man; for the ruling love induces a form on them, this love being in the midst, and setting in order everything around it. Those things which most agree with it, it sets next to itself, and everything else in order in accordance with their agreement. From this the memory-knowledges have their form. If heavenly love rules, then all things are disposed there by the Lord into the heavenly form, which form is like that of heaven, thus is the form of the good of love itself. Into this form truths are disposed, which, when so disposed, make one with good; and then when the one is called forth by the Lord, the other is called forth; that is to say, when the things of faith are called forth, so are those of charity, and the converse. Such is the disposition that is signified by "God made houses for the midwives."

Elliott(1983-1999) 6690

6690. 'That He made them houses' means that it - true factual knowledge in the natural - was arranged into a heavenly pattern. This is clear from the meaning of 'house' as the natural mind, dealt with in 4973, 5023, thus the things that compose the natural mind. But because what is said here refers to the midwives, those things are true factual knowledge in the natural, 6687. 'Making them houses' therefore means arranging that knowledge into order, and it is arranged into order when arranged into a heavenly pattern. It is not at all easy to see that these things are meant by 'making them houses' unless one knows the situation with true factual knowledge that belongs to the natural mind. Something must therefore be said briefly about this. Known facts in the natural are arranged into continuous series, one series tying in with another, so that they all hang together according to the varying relationships and close associations they have with one another. They are not unlike families and their generations; for one is born from another, and in that manner they are brought into existence. This explains why things of the mind, which are forms of good and truth, were spoken of by the ancients as 'houses', the form of good that ruled there being called the father, the truth linked to it the mother, and the derivations from them the sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and so on. But the way in which true factual knowledge in the natural is arranged varies from person to person, since the pattern it assumes is imposed on it by the ruling love. That love is at the centre and arranges each fact into position around it. It positions nearest to itself the facts most compatible with it, and the rest are arranged according to their degrees of compatibility. And in this way factual knowledge is given a pattern. If heavenly love rules, then the Lord arranges them all into a heavenly pattern, a pattern like that assumed by heaven itself, thus the pattern assumed by the good of love itself. Such is the pattern into which truths are arranged; and once arranged into it they act in unison with good. At this point when the one is stimulated by the Lord, so is the other; that is to say, when items of belief are stimulated, so are charitable desires, and vice versa. This kind of arrangement is what is meant by the statement that God made the midwives houses.

Latin(1748-1756) 6690

6690. `Et fecit illis domos': quod significet quod in caelestem formam disponerentur, nempe vera scientifica in naturali, constat ex significatione `domus' quod sit mens {3} naturalis, de qua n. 4973, 5023, ita ea quae sunt illius mentis, quae hic, quia de obstetricibus dicitur, sunt vera scientifica (d)in naturali, n. 6687; `facere' itaque `illis domos' est disponere illa in ordinem, ac in ordinem disponuntur cum in formam caelestem. Quod haec per `facere illis domos' significentur, non facile sciri potest nisi sciatur quomodo cum veris scientificis quae sunt mentis naturalis se habet; paucis itaque dicendum: scientifica in naturali in continuas series disposita sunt, una series cum altera, et sic omnes cohaerent secundum varias affinitates et propinquitates; seque habent non absimiliter ac familiae et earum generationes, nascitur enim unum ab altero, et sic {2}producuntur; inde illa quae sunt mentis, nempe bona et vera, ab antiquis dicta fuerunt `domus,' bonum ibi regnans `pater,' et verum illi bono {3}adjunctum `mater,' et derivationes `filii, filiae, generi, nurus,' et si porro; sed dispositio verorum scientificorum in naturali variatur apud unumquemvis hominem, formam enim illis inducit amor dominans; ille amor in medio est et circum se ordinat singula; sibi proxime ponit illa quae maxime conveniunt, et reliqua in ordine secundum convenientias; inde forma scientificis; si amor caelestis dominatur, tunc a Domino disponuntur ibi omnia in formam caelestem, quae forma est qualis est caeli, ita forma ipsius boni amoris; in hanc formam disponuntur vera quae cum ita disposita sunt, unum agunt cum bono; et tunc cum excitatur unum a Domino, excitatur alterum, nempe cum illa quae fidei, excitantur illa quae charitatis, et vice versa; talis dispositio est quae significatur per quod `Deus fecerit obstetricibus domos.' @1 i hominis$ @2 producitur$ @3 conjunctum$

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