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属天的奥秘 第7140节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7140

7140. Also yesterday, also today. That this signifies the state that will be therefrom, is evident from the signification of "yesterday," as being the former state (as just above); and from the signification of "today," as being what is perpetual (see n. 2838, 3998, 4304, 6165), consequently what is everlasting, and thus that will be as before.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7140

7140. 'As yesterday, so today' means the state to come, from then on. This is clear from the meaning of 'yesterday' as the previous state, dealt with immediately above; and from the meaning of 'today' as that which is perpetual, dealt with in 2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, therefore that which is to continue for ever, and so what will be as before.

Latin(1748-1756) 7140

7140. `Etiam heri, etiam hodie': (x)quod significet statum inde futurum, constat ex significatione `heri' quod sit status prior, ut mox supra {1}; et (c)ex significatione `hodie' quod sit perpetuum, de qua n. 2838, 3998, 4304, 6165, proinde perennaturum, et sic futurum ut {2}prius. @1 i n. 7139$ @2 fuerat$

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