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属天的奥秘 第7156节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7156

7156. When it was said, Ye shall not take anything away from your bricks. That this signifies because nothing of the injection of falsities was diminished, is evident from the signification of "not taking anything away," as being that nothing was to be diminished (as also above, n. 7129); and from the signification of "making bricks," as being to endure the injected falsities (n. 7113, 7145).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7156

7156. 'By saying, You shall not reduce your bricks at all' means because the introduction of falsities was not in any way diminished. This is clear from the meaning of 'not being reduced at all' as not being in any way diminished, as also above in 7129; and from the meaning of 'making bricks' as putting up with the falsities that have been introduced, dealt with in 7113, 7145.

Latin(1748-1756) 7156

7156. `Dicendo, Non detrahetis de lateribus vestris quicquam': quod significet quia de injectione falsorum nihil imminutum, constat ex significatione `non detrahi quicquam' quod sit nihil diminui, ut quoque supra n. 7129; et ex significatione `laterificare lateres' quod sit injecta falsa sustinere, de qua n. 7113, 7145.

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