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属天的奥秘 第7222节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7222

7222. And Moses spoke before Jehovah, saying. That this signifies the law from the Divine, and the thought thence derived, is evident from the signification of "speaking," as being thought (see n. 2271, 2287, 2619); and from the representation of Moses, as being the law from the Divine (n. 6771, 6827).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7222

7222. 'And Moses spoke to Jehovah, saying' means the law from God and thought from it. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking' as thought, dealt with in 2271, 2287, 2619; and from the representation of 'Moses' as the law from God, dealt with in 6771, 6827.

Latin(1748-1756) 7222

7222. `Et locutus Moscheh cum Jehovah, dicendo': quod significet legem a Divino et inde cogitationem, constat {1}ex significatione `loqui' quod sit cogitatio, de qua n. 2271, 2287, 2619; et ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit lex a Divino, de qua n. 6771, 6827. {2} @1 ex significatione...2619 and ex repraesentatione...6827 are transposed in A.$ @2 i quod sit cogitatio ex Lege a Divino, est quia Jehovah dat cogitare, hic per Legem, quae per Moschen repraesentatur; quod omne cogitationis influat, videatur n. 2886-2888, 4151, 4249, 5288, 5846, 5854, 6053-6058, 6189-6215, 6307-6327, 6466-6495, 6598-6626, 7147.$

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