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属天的奥秘 第7550节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7550

7550. And that My name may be told in the whole earth. That this signifies that thus where the church is the Lord may be acknowledged as the only God, is evident from the signification of "name," as being everything in one complex by which the Lord is worshiped (see n. 2724, 3006, 6674); and as the veriest essential of worship is the acknowledgment that the Lord is the only God, and that His Human is Divine, and that from this proceeds all faith and love, therefore by the "name of Jehovah being told" is signified that the Lord is to be acknowledged as the only God (that the Divine Human of the Lord is the "name of Jehovah," see n. 2628, 6887), and from the signification of "the earth," as being the church (see just above, n. 7547). That Jehovah or the Lord in this and in many other passages wills that His might and power may appear, and His name be told, and elsewhere that He be humbly worshiped and adored, seems as if He desires to show forth His glory, and as if He loves adoration for the sake of Himself. But quite different is the real case. It is not for the sake of Himself, but for the sake of the human race; not from self-glory, but from love; for He wills to be conjoined with the human race, and to give them eternal life and happiness. This cannot be done unless the man is in humble worship; and there can be no humble worship unless the man acknowledges and believes that he himself is dust and ashes, that is, nothing but evil, and that Jehovah or the Lord is the Greatest and the Holiest, and that he dare not from himself approach Him. When man is in such humble worship, then the Lord can flow in with the life of His love, and give heaven and eternal happiness. This is the reason why Jehovah or the Lord so greatly extols His own power and glory in the Word.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7550

7550. 'And in order that My name may be declared in the whole earth' means that thus the Lord may be acknowledged, where the Church exists, as the only God. This is clear from the meaning of 'name' as everything in its entirety by which the Lord is worshipped, dealt with in 2724, 3006, 6674, and since the most essential aspect of worship is the acknowledgement that the Lord is the only God, that His Human is Divine, and that from His Human emanates everything of faith and love, 'Jehovah's name being declared' means that the Lord should be acknowledged as the only God (for the Lord's Divine Human is 'the name of Jehovah', see 2628, 6887); and from the meaning of 'the earth' as the Church, dealt with just above in 7547. When it says here and in very many other places that Jehovah or the Lord desires His virtue or power to be seen, and His name to be declared, and elsewhere that He desires people to worship and adore Him in humility, it seems as though He desires to display His glory and loves to be adored for His own sake. But the truth of the matter is altogether different. It is not for His own sake but for that of the human race; He is moved not by self-glory but by love. For He wishes to be joined to the human race, and to impart eternal life and happiness to it. But this cannot be accomplished unless a person worships Him in humility; and such humble worship does not exist unless the person acknowledges and believes that he himself is dust and ashes, that is, nothing but evil, that Jehovah or the Lord is the Greatest and Most Holy One, and that of himself he does not dare to approach Him. When a person worships Him in such humility the Lord can enter in with the life of His love, bringing him heaven and eternal happiness. This is the reason why Jehovah or the Lord extols His power and glory to so great an extent in the Word.

Latin(1748-1756) 7550

7550. `Et propterea ut narretur nomen Meum in tota terra': quod significet quod sic agnoscatur Dominus pro solo Deo ubi Ecclesia, constat ex significatione `nominis' quod sit omne in uno complexu quo colitur Dominus, de qua n. 2724, 3006, 6674; et quia essentialissimum cultus est agnitio quod Dominus sit solus Deus, et quod Humanum Ipsius sit Divinum, et quod ex Eo omne fidei et amoris procedat, {1}idcirco per `narrari nomen Jehovae' significatur quod agnoscendus Dominus pro solo Deo; quod Divinum Humanum Domini sit nomen Jehovae, videatur n. 2628, 6887; et ex significatione `terrae' quod sit Ecclesia, de qua mox supra n. 7547. Quod Jehovah seu Dominus hic et {2}in pluribus aliis locis velit ut appareat {3}Ipsius virtus (c)et potentia, utque narretur (t)Ipsius nomen; ac alibi, ut humiliter colatur et adoretur, videtur sicut velit ostentare gloriam Suam, ac sicut amet adorationem propter Se; sed hoc prorsus aliter se habet non est propter Se sed propter humanum genus, non ex gloria Sui sed ex amore, vult enim conjungi humano generi, ac ipsi vitam ac felicitatem aeternam dare; et hoc fieri non potest nisi homo in cultu humili sit; et cultus humilis non datur nisi homo agnoscat et credat quod ipse sit pulvis et cinis, hoc est, non nisi quam malum, ac quod Jehovah seu Dominus sit Maximus et Sanctissimus, et quod accedere ad Ipsum non ausit ex se; cum homo in tali cultu humili est, tunc Dominus cum vita amoris Sui influere potest ac dare caelum et felicitatem aeternam; haec causa est quod Jehovah seu Dominus in tantum extollat potentiam et gloriam Suam in Verbo. @1 inde$ @2 After aliis$ @3 After potentia$

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