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属天的奥秘 第7859节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7859

7859. Its head upon its legs and upon its midst. That this signifies from the inmost to the external, is evident from the signification of the "head," when it is said "upon the legs and the midst," as being the inmost; for the head is the highest, and in the spiritual sense the highest is the inmost (n. 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146; that by the "head" is signified things interior, and by the "body" things exterior, see n. 6436); from the signification of the "legs," as being things exterior; for relatively to the head the legs are lower things; and as higher things signify interior ones, so lower things signify exterior ones-and from the signification of "the midst," as being things still lower, as are the things of the belly and the intestines. The command to roast the head upon the legs and upon the midst, represented that things interior and exterior must be conjoined, that is, must act as a one; for interior things are those which are of the internal man, and exterior things are those which are of the external man; or interior things are those which are of the spiritual man, but exterior things are those which are of the natural man. These things must be conjoined, that is must act as a one, in order that man may be a kingdom of the Lord; they have been separated when the natural or external man does otherwise than the spiritual or internal man wills. From all this it can be seen what was signified by the command that the paschal lamb should be roast with fire, the head upon the legs and the midst. By the "midst" is meant the natural still more external, that is, the sensuous. Everyone can see that there is a Divine secret in these commands; for the paschal lamb was the most holy thing in that church. This holy secret is not manifest except through the spiritual understanding of the things and words, which is here such as has been described.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7859

7859. 'Its head over its legs and over its middle' means from what is inmost to what is external. This is clear from the meaning of 'the head', when said to be 'over the head and middle', as what is inmost, for the head is on top, and what is on top is in the spiritual sense what is inmost, 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146 (for the meaning of 'the head' as the interiors and 'the body' as the exteriors, see 6436); from the meaning of 'the legs' as exteriors, for in relation to the head the legs are lower, and just as higher parts mean more internal ones, so lower parts mean more external ones; and from the meaning of 'the middle' as the parts that are lower still, as those of the belly and intestines are. The command that they were to roast the head over the legs and over the middle represented the necessity for interiors and exteriors to be combined, that is, to act as one. The interiors are what constitute the internal man, the exteriors what constitute the external man; or, the interiors are what constitute the spiritual man, while the exteriors are what constitute the natural man. These must be combined, that is, act as one, if a person is to have the Lord's kingdom within him. They are separated when the natural or external man acts differently from what the spiritual or internal man desires. These considerations go to prove what was meant by the regulation that the Passover lamb should be roasted with fire, the head over the legs and middle. 'The middle' is used to mean the even more external part of the natural, which is the level of the senses. Anyone may see that a Divine arcanum is present within these commands, for the Passover lamb was the most holy thing in that Church. But that holy arcanum is indiscernible except through a spiritual understanding, such as is presented here, of the subject matter involved and the words used.

Latin(1748-1756) 7859

7859. `Caput ejus super cruribus ejus et super medio ejus': quod significet ab intimo ad externum, constat ex significatione `capitis' cum dicitur `super cruribus et medio,' quod sit intimum, est enim caput supremum, et supremum in spirituali sensu est intimum, n. 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146; quod per `caput' significentur interiora, et per `corpus' exteriora, videatur n. 6436; et ex significatione `crurum' quod sint exteriora, nam crura respective ad caput sunt inferiora; et sicut superiora significant interiora, ita inferiora significant exteriora; et ex significatione `medii' quod sint quae adhuc {1}magis inferiora sunt, sicut quae ventris ac intestinorum. Quod mandatum sit ut `assarent caput super cruribus et super medio,' repraesentabat quod interiora et exteriora conjuncta erunt, hoc est, unum agent {2}; interiora sunt quae interni hominis, exteriora quae externi, seu interiora sunt quae spiritualis hominis, exteriora vero quae naturalis; haec conjuncta erunt, hoc est, unum agent, ut homo sit regnum Domini; separata sunt quando naturalis seu externus homo facit aliter quam spiritualis seu internus vult. Ex his constare potest quid significatum est per quod `agnus paschalis assaretur igne, caput super cruribus et medio; per `medium' intelligitur naturale adhuc exterius seu sensuale. Quod Divinum arcanum in mandatis illis sit, quisque videre potest; agnus enim paschalis sanctissimum in Ecclesia illa fuit; arcanum illud sanctum non {3}patet nisi per intellectum spiritualem rerum et verborum {4}, qui hic talis est. @1 inferiori loco$ @2 i, ita externa in subordinatione plenaria sub interioribus$ @3 aliter patet quam$ @4 i ibi$

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