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属天的奥秘 第7980节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7980

7980. Because they were driven out of the land of Egypt, and could not tarry. That this signifies because they were removed from those who were in falsity from evil, is evident from the signification of "to be driven out," as being to be removed, for he who is driven out is removed (see n. 7964); from the signification of "Egypt," as being those who are in falsity from evil (of which above); and from the signification of "could not tarry," as being necessity for removal.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7980

7980. 'because they were driven out of Egypt and could not wait' means because they were removed from those steeped in falsity arising from evil. This is clear from the meaning of 'being driven out' as being removed, since one who is driven out is removed, see above in 7964; from the meaning of 'Egypt' as those steeped in falsity arising from evil, dealt with before; and from the meaning of 'not being able to wait' as circumstances necessitating removal.

Latin(1748-1756) 7980

7980. `Quia expulsi ab Aegypto, et non potuerunt commorari': quod significet quoniam remoti ab illis qui in falso ex malo erant, constat ex significatione `expelli' quod sit removeri, nam qui expellitur, is removetur, videatur supra n. 7964; ex significatione `Aegypti' quod sint qui in falso ex malo, de qua prius; et ex significatione `non posse commorari' quod sit remotionis necessitas.

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