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属天的奥秘 第7985节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7985

7985. It is said that "the dwelling of the sons of Israel which they dwelt in Egypt was thirty years and four hundred years," and further that "at the end of the thirty years and four hundred years, in this same day, all the armies of Jehovah went out from the land of Egypt," when yet the dwelling of the sons of Israel, from the going down of Jacob into Egypt, to the going out of his descendants at this time, was not more than half the time, namely, two hundred and fifteen years, as is very manifest from the chronology of the Holy Scripture. For Moses was born of Amram, Amram of Kohath, and Kohath of Levi; and Kohath together with his father Levi came into Egypt (Gen. 46:11). The age of the life of Kohath was 133 years (Exod. 6:18), and the age of the life of Amram, from whom were Aaron and Moses, was 137 years (Exod. 6:20), and Moses was a man of 80 years when he stood before Pharaoh (Exod. 7:7). It is not mentioned in what year of the age of Kohath Amram was born, nor in what year of the age of Amram Moses was born; but it can be seen that there were not 430 years, for even the years of their ages do not amount to 430, but only to 350, as appears from adding the years of the age of Kohath, 133, to the years of the age of Amram, 137, and these to the 80 years of Moses when he stood before Pharaoh; still less if the years from their births be added together. That they were 215 years can be seen from the chronology. But from the going down of Abraham into Egypt to the going out of the sons of Israel, there were 430 years, as can also be seen from the chronology. From this then it is evident that by "four hundred and thirty years" is here meant the entire period of time from Abraham, and not from Jacob. That these years were designated, and were called "the years of the dwelling of the sons of Israel in Egypt," is on account of the internal sense, in which by these years is signified a full state, and the duration of the vastation of those who had been of the spiritual church, and were detained in the lower earth until the coming of the Lord, and were then liberated (n. 6854, 6914, 7035, 7091, 7828, 7932a).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7985

7985. It says that 'the dwelling of the children of Israel, when they dwelt in Egypt, lasted four hundred and thirty years', and in addition to this that 'at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even on this same day, all the hosts of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt'. But in actual fact the dwelling of the children of Israel from Jacob's going down into Egypt until the departure of his descendants at this time lasted no more than half that time, no more than 215 years, as is evident from chronological references in Sacred Scripture. For Moses was begotten by Amram, Amram by Kohath, and Kohath by Levi; and Kohath came into Egypt along with Levi his father, Gen 46:11. Kohath lived 133 years, Exod 6:18; Amram, who beget Aaron and Moses, lived 137 years, Exod 6:20 and Moses was eighty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, Exod 7:7. No mention is made of Kohath's age in years when Amram was born, or of Amram's when Moses was born. But the length of time the people were in Egypt was clearly not 430 years, since the ages of these three do not add up to as much as 430 years, only to 350, as one may see by adding the 133 years of Kohath's life to the 137 years of Amram's, and then these to Moses' 80 years when he stood before Pharaoh. And they are less than that if one adds the years from father's birth to son's. The length of time was 215 years, as chronological references show. But the time from Abraham's going down into Egypt to the departure of the children of Israel was 430 years, as again chronological references show. And from this it now becomes clear that 430 years here is used to mean the whole period of time beginning right back with Abraham, not with Jacob. These years have been marked out and referred to as 'the years of the dwelling of the children of Israel in Egypt' on account of the internal sense. In the internal sense those years mean a state made complete and the duration of vastation undergone by those belonging to the spiritual Church who were held back on the lower earth until the Lord's Coming, when they were delivered, matters regarding which, see 6854, 6914, 7035, 7091, 7828, 7932.

Latin(1748-1756) 7985

7985. Dicitur quod `habitatio filiorum Israelis qua habitaverunt in Aegypto fuerint triginta anni et quadringenti anni,' et porro quod `a fine triginta annorum et quadringentorum annorum, in eodem die hoc, {1}exiverint omnes exercitus Jehovae e terra Aegypti,' cum tamen habitatio filiorum Israelis a Jacobi descensu in Aegyptum ad exitum posterorum ejus nunc, non fuerit plus quam dimidium illius temporis, nempe 215 annorum, ut patet manifeste a chronologicis Scripturae Sacrae; fuit enim Moscheh natus ex Amram, et Amram ex Kehath, ac Kehath ex Levi, ac Kehath simul cum Levi patre suo venit in Aegyptum, Gen. xlvi 11; {2}aetas vitae Kehath {3}fuit 133 annorum, Exod. vi 18, {2}ac aetas vitae Amaram, ex quo Aharon et Moscheh, 137 annorum, ibid. vers. 20; et Moscheh fuit vir 80 annorum cum stetit coram Pharaone, Exod. vii 7; non memoratur quo anno aetatis Kehathi natus est Amram, nec quo anno aetatis Amrami natus est Moscheh; at quod non fuerint {4}430 anni, constare potest, nam anni aetatum illorum ne quidem ad {4}430 assurgunt, sed ad 350; quod sciri potest si addantur anni aetatis Kehathi 133 cum annis aetatis Amrami 137, et hi cum annis Moschis 80 cum stetit coram Pharaone; {5}minus si addantur anni a nativitatibus illorum; quod fuerint 215 anni, ex chronologicis videri potest. Sed ab Abrahami descensu in (x)Aegyptum ad {6}exitum filiorum Israelis fuerunt 430 anni, de quibus etiam videantur chronologici; inde nunc constare potest quod per 430 annos hic intelligatur integra periodus temporis usque ab Abrahamo et non a Jacobo; quod hi anni designati sint, ac dicti anni habitationis filiorum Israelis in Aegypto, est {7}ob sensum internum, in quo per illos significatur status plenus ac (t)duratio vastationis illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali fuerunt, ac in terra inferiore usque ad Adventum Domini detenti, ac tunc liberati, de quibus videatur n. 6854, 6914, 7035, 7091, 7828, 7932. @1 exiverunt$ @2 ac anni$ @3 fuerunt$ @4 415$ @5 minus anni nativitatum qui quod sint 215$ @6 filiorum Jacobi exitum inde$ @7 propter$

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