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属天的奥秘 第8074节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8074

8074. That thou shalt cause to pass over to Jehovah all that openeth the womb. That this signifies that the faith of charity which is of regeneration is the Lord's, is evident from the signification of "causing to pass over," as being to ascribe, in like manner as "to sanctify" (see above, n. 8042), and "to sacrifice" (below, n. 8088); and from the signification of "that openeth the womb," as being faith from charity, which belongs to the regenerate man (as shown above, n. 8042, 8043). That "Jehovah" denotes the Lord, see n. 8046.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8074

8074. 'That you shall make over to Jehovah all that open the womb' means that faith springing from charity, which comes with regeneration, is the Lord's. This is clear from the meaning of 'making over' as ascribing, the same meaning that 'sanctifying' above in 8042, and 'sacrificing' belong in 8088, have; and from the meaning of 'whatever opens the womb' as faith springing from charity, the faith present in one who has been regenerated, dealt with above in 8042, 8043. And 'Jehovah' is the Lord, see 8046.

Latin(1748-1756) 8074

8074. `Et transire facies omnem aperturam uteri Jehovae': quod significet fidem charitatis, quae regenerationis, quod Domini, constat ex significatione `transire facere' quod sit addicare, similiter ac `sanctificare' supra n. 8042, (c)et `sacrificare' infra n. 8088; et ex significatione `aperturae uteri' quod sit fides ex charitate, quae est regenerati, de qua supra n. 8042, 8043; quod `Jehovah' sit Dominus, videatur n. 8046.

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