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属天的奥秘 第8088节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8088

8088. Therefore I sacrifice to Jehovah all that openeth the womb, being males. That this signifies that therefore the faith of charity which is of the new begetting must be ascribed to the Lord, is evident from the signification of "sacrificing to Jehovah," as being to ascribe to the Lord (by "sacrificing" is here signified the like as by "sanctifying" in verse 2 of this chapter, and by "causing to pass over" in verse 12; that "to sacrifice to Jehovah" denotes to ascribe to the Lord, see n. 8042, and so does "to cause to pass over," n. 8074); by "ascribing" is meant not to claim to oneself, but to confess and acknowledge that it is from the Lord from the signification of "that openeth the womb," as being the things which are of faith from charity, n. 8043; (that these are of the new begetting, see above, n. 8042); and from the signification of "male" as being the truth of faith (of which, n. 2046, 4005, 7838).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8088

8088. 'Therefore I sacrifice to Jehovah all that open the womb, if they are males' means that therefore the faith springing from charity, which belongs to the new birth, is to be ascribed to the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'sacrificing to Jehovah' as ascribing to the Lord ('sacrificing' here has a meaning similar to that which 'sanctify' has in verse 2 of this chapter, and 'making over to' in verse 12, for 'sanctifying to Jehovah' means ascribing to the Lord, see 8042 and so too does 'making over to Him', 8074; 'ascribing' is used to mean refusing to claim something as one's own, and confessing and acknowledging that it comes from the Lord); from the meaning of 'whatever opens the womb' as matters of faith springing from charity, dealt with in 8043 (for evidence that they belong to the new birth, see above in 8042); and from the meaning of 'male' as the truth of faith, dealt with in 2026, 4005, 7838.

Latin(1748-1756) 8088

8088. `Propterea ego sacrifico Jehovae omnem aperturam uteri, masculos': quod significet quod ideo addicanda Domino fides charitatis, quae novae generationis, constat ex significatione `sacrificare Jehovae' quod sit addicare Domino; per `sacrificare' {1} simile hic significatur ac {2} per `sanctificare' vers. 2 hujus capitis, et per `transire facere' vers. 12; quod `{3}sanctificare Jehovae' sit addicare Domino, videatur n. 8042, et quoque per `transire facere,' n. 8074; per addicare intelligitur sibi non vindicare sed confiteri et agnoscere quod sit a Domino; ex significatione `aperturae uteri' quod sint quae fidei a charitate, de qua n. 8043; quod illa sint novae generationis, videatur supra n. 8042; et ex significatione `masculi' quod sit verum fidei, de qua n. 2046, 4005, 7838. @1 i enim$ @2 i quod$ @3 sacrificare I$

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