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属天的奥秘 第8087节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8087

8087. From the firstborn of man and even to the firstborn of beast. That this signifies the falsity of faith separate, interior and exterior, is evident from the signification of "the firstborn of Egypt," as being faith separate from charity (as just above, n. 8086), thus what is false of faith, for they who separate faith from charity both in doctrine and in life must needs be in falsity, because evil of life continually operates and persuades to falsity that is similar to itself, and if truth is brought forward it causes it by a wrong application to shape itself accordingly, and in this manner it falsifies it; and from the signification of "man and beast," as being that which is interior and exterior (n. 4724, 7523).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8087

8087. 'From the firstborn of man even to the firstborn of beast' means the falsity, interior and exterior, belonging to separated faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'the firstborn of Egypt' as faith separated from charity, as immediately above in 8086, and so falsity belonging to faith, for those who separate faith from charity both in doctrine and in life are inescapably subject to falsity since the evil that pervades their life is constantly active, pressing falsity into agreement with itself (or if truth presents itself that evil then misapplies it and thereby brings it into agreement with itself, thus falsifies it); and from the meaning of 'man and beast' as what is interior and what is exterior, dealt with in 4724, 7523.

Latin(1748-1756) 8087

8087. `A primogenito hominis et usque ad primogenitum bestiae': quod sit falsum fidei (x)separatae interius (x)et exterius, constat ex significatione `primogeniti Aegypti' quod sit fides separata a charitate, ut nunc supra n. {1}8086; ita falsum fidei, nam qui fidem separant a charitate {2}et doctrina {3}et vita, non possunt aliter quam in falso {4} esse, {5}quia malum vitae {6}continuo operatur, et persuadet sui conforme falsum; sique verum {7}offertur, tunc per applicationem sinistram facit ut id se conformet, ita id falsificat; et ex significatione `hominis et bestiae' quod sit interius et exterius, de qua n. 4724, (x)7523. @1 8085$ @2 non modo$ @3 sed etiam$ @4 i fidei$ @5 nam$ @6 continue$ @7 sit, usque$

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