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属天的奥秘 第8263节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8263

8263. I will sing to Jehovah. That this signifies that to the Lord alone is the glory, is evident from the signification of "to sing to Jehovah," as being to glorify the Lord (of which just above, n. 8261); thus that to Him is the glory. That it is to Him alone, is because the Lord is "Jehovah" in the Word (n. 8261), thus is the only God. It is said in the Word throughout that to God alone shall be glory and honor. He who knows not the interior things of the Word may believe that the Lord desires and loves glory like a man in the world; and also for the reason that it is due to Him in preference to all in the universe; but the Lord does not desire glory for the sake of Himself, but for the sake of the man who glorifies Him. The man who glorifies Him does it from a holy reverence for Him in that He is the Supreme One, and from a humbling of himself as being relatively nothing; and because in the glorification of the Lord by the man there is thus both holy reverence and humiliation, the man is then in a state to receive the influx of good from the Lord, thus also to receive love to Him. It is from this that the Lord desires man to glorify Him (see n. 4347, 4593, 5957). (That the influx of good from the Lord is into a humble heart, see n. 3994, 7478.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 8263

8263. 'I will sing to Jehovah' means that glory belongs to the Lord alone. This is clear from the meaning of 'singing to Jehovah' as ascribing glory to the Lord, dealt with just above in 8261, that is, as saying that glory belongs to Him. The reason why it belongs to Him alone is that in the Word 'Jehovah' means the Lord, 8261, so that He alone is God. Various places throughout the Word say that glory and honour must belong to God alone. Anyone unacquainted with the inner teachings of the Word may suppose that the Lord desires and loves glory in the way a person in the world does; and he may suppose this because glory is appropriate to Him above all others in the universe. But the Lord does not desire glory for His own sake, only for the sake of the person who ascribes it to Him. A person who ascribes glory to Him does so because he venerates Him as the One who is supreme and humbly regards himself as nothing in comparison. And since reverence and humility are both present when a person ascribes glory to the Lord, he is in a fit state to receive the inflow of goodness from the Lord, and so also of love towards Him. This is why the Lord desires a person to ascribe glory to Him, see 4347, 4593, 5957. Regarding the flow of goodness from the Lord, that it enters a humble heart, 3994, 7478.

Latin(1748-1756) 8263

8263. `Cantabo Jehovae': quod significet quod Domino soli gloria, constat ex significatione `cantare Jehovae' quod sit glorificare Dominum, de qua mox supra n. 8261, ita quod Ipsi gloria; quod Ipsi soli, est quia Dominus est Jehovah in Verbo, {1}n. 8261, ita solus Deus. In Verbo passim dicitur quod `soli Deo erit gloria et honor'; qui non scit interiora Verbi credere potest quod Dominus velit {2}et amet gloriam sicut homo in mundo, etiam ex causa quia Ipsi illa prae omnibus in universo competit; sed Dominus non gloriam {3}vult propter Se, sed propter hominem qui glorificat Illum; homo qui glorificat {4}Illum facit id ex sancta veneratione pro Ipso quod supremus sit, et ex humiliatione sui quod respective (t)nihil sit, et quia sic in glorificatione Domini ab homine inest et sancta veneratio et humiliatio, homo tunc in statu est recipiendi influxum boni a Domino, ita quoque amorem in Ipsum; inde est quod Dominus velit glorificationem ab homine, videatur n. 4347, 4593, 5957; quod influxus boni a Domino sit in cor humile, n. 3994, 7478. @1 After Deus$ @2 gloriam, et amet illam$ @3 amat$ @4 Ipsum$

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