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属天的奥秘 第8416节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8416

8416. Behold, I am making it rain bread for you from heaven. That this signifies that heavenly good shall flow in, is evident from the signification of "raining," as being a blessing (n. 2445); that "to rain" denotes a blessing is because rain comes down from heaven and causes the fertility of the earth, just as Divine good and truth descend from heaven into man and cause a blessing, whence it can be seen that in the proximate sense "to rain" signifies to flow in, for all good from the Divine flows in; and from the signification of "bread," as being heavenly good (of which in what follows).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8416

8416. 'Behold, I am causing it to rain bread from heaven for you' means that heavenly good will flow in. This is clear from the meaning of 'raining' as a blessing, dealt with in 2445, the reason why 'raining' means a blessing being that as rain comes down from heaven or the sky and causes the land to be productive, so Divine Goodness and Truth come down from heaven to a person and cause him to be blessed, from which it is evident that 'raining' in the proximate sense means flowing in (for all good from the Divine flows in); and from the meaning of 'bread' as heavenly good, dealt with below.

Latin(1748-1756) 8416

8416. `Ecce Ego pluere faciens vobis panem e caelo': quod significet quod bonum caeleste influet, constat ex significatione `pluere' quod sit benedictio, de qua n. 2445; quod `pluere' sit benedictio, est quia pluvia descendit de caelo et facit fertilitatem terrae, sicut Divinum Bonum et Verum e caelo apud hominem et facit benedictionem; inde constare potest quod `pluere' in proximo sensu significet influere nam omne bonum {1} a Divino influit; et ex significatione `panis' quod sit bonum caeleste, de qua in sequentibus. @1 i quod$

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