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属天的奥秘 第8762节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8762

8762. Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and declare to the sons of Israel. That this signifies the salvation of those who are of the external and internal spiritual church, is evident from the signification of "saying," and "declaring," as here being salvation, for the things which are now said and declared by Jehovah through Moses involve salvation; and from the signification of "the house of Jacob," and "the sons of Israel," as being the external and internal church (see n. 3305, 4286). What is meant by the external church and the internal church has been already stated in several places, namely, that the external of the Ancient Church was all that which represented the internal, and that the internal of the church was that which was represented by the externals. As for example, they who made Divine worship consist in sacrifices, and in rites and statutes, which represented spiritual and heavenly things of the Lord's kingdom, were in externals; but they who made Divine worship consist at the same time in the celestial and spiritual things which were represented, were in internals. In like manner at this day, they who make Divine worship consist in frequenting temples, hearing preachings, attending the Holy Supper, and who do these things with devotion, without thinking any further about them than that they ought to be frequented because they are instituted and commanded, these are of the external church; whereas they who at the same time believe that such things are to be attended to, but that still the essential of worship is the life of faith, that is, charity toward the neighbor and love to the Lord, these are of the internal church. Consequently also they are of the external church who do what is good to the neighbor and worship the Lord merely from the obedience of faith; whereas they are of the internal church who do what is good to the neighbor and worship the Lord from love. So in all other cases. [2] Nevertheless with everyone who is of the church there must be both, namely, an external and an internal. If there are not both there is no spiritual life with him, for the internal is like a soul, and the external is like the body of the soul. But they who are of the external church are clearly in its externals and obscurely in its internals, whereas they who are of the internal church are clearly in internals and obscurely in externals. But those who are in externals and not at the same time in internals are not of the church. All those are in both who are in the good of life according to the teachings of their church; but those are in externals without internals who are in worship and not at the same time in the good of life according to the teachings of the church. There are few who know this, and the reason why few know it, is that they make all worship, and thereby all salvation, consist in faith, and not at all in charity. From this also it is that they who think about eternal salvation make it consist in a life of piety, and not at all in a life of charity (on which see n. 8252-8257).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8762

8762. 'Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel' means the salvation of those belonging to the spiritual Church, external and internal. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' and 'telling' here as salvation, for what Jehovah now says and tells them through Moses is all about salvation; and from the meaning of 'the house of Jacob' and 'the children of Israel' as the external Church and the internal Church, dealt with in 3305, 4286. What the external Church and the internal Church are has been stated before in several places, where it was shown that the external aspect of the Ancient Church involved everything representing the internal, while the internal aspect of the Church was that which external things represented. People for example who considered Divine worship to consist in sacrifices, and in religious ceremonies and rules, which represented the spiritual and celestial realities of the Lord's kingdom, were concerned with external things, whereas those who considered Divine worship to consist at the same time in the celestial and spiritual realities that were represented were concerned with internal things. It is similar at the present day. Some people consider Divine worship to consist in going to church, listening to sermons, attending the Holy Supper, and doing these things in a devout manner, yet do not think of them except as duties to be done regularly because they have been instituted and commanded. Those people belong to the external Church. Others however likewise believe that such duties should be attended to, but that nevertheless the essential element of worship is the life of faith, which is charity towards the neighbour and love to the Lord. These people belong to the internal Church. Consequently those also belong to the external Church who do good to the neighbour and worship the Lord, but solely in a spirit of obedience born of faith, whereas those belong to the internal Church who do good to the neighbour and worship the Lord out of love. And so on with all else exemplifying those two aspects of the Church.

[2] But with every member of the Church both aspects must be present, the external and the internal. Unless both are present spiritual life does not exist with him; for the internal is so to speak the soul, and the external so to speak the body housing the soul. Those however who belong to the external Church are plainly concerned with external things of the Church and only vaguely with internal ones, whereas those belonging to the internal Church are plainly concerned with internal things and vaguely with external ones. But those concerned only with external things and not at the same time with internal do not belong to the Church. A concern for both exists with all who lead a good life in accordance with the teachings of their Church. But a concern for external things alone without internal exists with those who engage in acts of worship yet do not at the same time lead a good life in accordance with the teachings of their Church. There are few who know this; and the reason why few know it is that people consider worship and therefore salvation to consist wholly in faith, and not at all in charity. So it is also that those who think about eternal salvation consider it to consist in the religious life and not at all in the life of charity, regarding which kinds of life see 8252-8257.

Latin(1748-1756) 8762

8762. `Ita dices domui Jacobi et nuntiabis filiis Israelis': quod significet salvationem illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali externa et interna, constat ex significatione `dicere' et `nuntiare' quod hic (x)sit salvatio, nam quae nunc dicuntur et nuntiantur a Jehovah {1}per Moschen, salvationem involvunt; ex significatione `domus Jacobi' et `filiorum Israelis' quod sint Ecclesia externa et interna, de qua n. 3305, 4286. Quid Ecclesia externa et Ecclesia interna, prius aliquibus in locis dictum est, quod nempe externum Ecclesiae Antiquae fuerit omne id quod {2}repraesentabat internum, (c)et quod internum Ecclesiae fuerit {3} quod per externa repraesentatum est; sicut pro exemplo: qui cultum Divinum posuerunt in sacrificiis, inque ritibus (c)et statutis, quae repraesentabant spiritualia et caelestia regni Domini, illi in externis erant, at qui cultum Divinum simul posuerunt in caelestibus et spiritualibus quae repraesentata sunt, illi in internis erant; similiter hodie, qui cultum Divinum ponunt in frequentare templa, auscultare praedicationes, obire Sanctam Cenam, {4}et illa cum devotione, nec {5}alterius de illis cogitare quam quod frequentanda sint quia instituta et mandata {6}, illi ab Ecclesia externa sunt; at qui simul credunt quod {7}talia obeunda sint, sed quod usque essentiale cultus (x)sit vita fidei, hoc est, charitas erga proximum et amor in Dominum, illi ab Ecclesia interna sunt; {8}proinde etiam ab Ecclesia externa sunt qui faciunt bonum proximo et colunt Dominum solum ex oboedientia fidei, at ab Ecclesia interna sunt qui faciunt bonum proximo et colunt Dominum ex amore; ita in reliquis. 2 Ast apud unumquemvis qui ab Ecclesia est, utrumque erit, nempe externum et internum, {9} si non utrumque, non {10}est vita spiritualis apud illum, nam internum {11} est sicut anima, et externum {12} sicut animae corpus; sed qui ab externa Ecclesia sunt, illi sunt clare in externis ejus at obscure in internis, at qui ab Ecclesia interna sunt, illi sunt clare in internis et obscure in externis. At qui in externis sunt et non {13}simul in internis, illi non ab Ecclesia sunt; in {14}ambobus sunt omnes illi qui in bono vitae sunt secundum Ecclesiae suae doctrinalia; at in {15}externis absque {16}internis sunt qui in cultu et non simul in bono vitae secundum doctrinalia Ecclesiae sunt. Pauci sunt qui hoc sciunt; {17} quod pauci id sciant, est quia ponunt omne cultus et inde omne salutis in fide, et nihil in charitate; {18}inde etiam est quod qui cogitant de salute aeterna ponant illam in vita pietatis et nihil in vita charitatis, de quibus videatur n. 8252-8257. @1 per Moschen populo, salvationem ejus continent$ @2 repraesentaverit$ @3 i id$ @4 et alia quae Ecclesiae statuta sunt$ @5 ulterius IT$ @6 i sunt$ @7 insit coeleste et Divinum, quod sanctum ibi facit, ac$ @8 similiter$ @9 i ut sit homo Ecclesiae,$ @10 vivit spiritualiter,$ @11 i enim$ @12 i est$ @13 in interno$ @14 utroque$ @15 externo$ @16 interno$ @17 i et$ @18 ac inde illi$

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