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属天的奥秘 第9043节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9043

9043. And her births go forth. That this signifies if nevertheless it is confirmed in the natural, is evident from the signification of "going forth," when said of the formation of good from truths, as being to go from the internal or spiritual man into the external or natural (of which below); and from the signification of "births," as being goods from truths acknowledged in memory and perception, and thus confirmed; for in the spiritual sense by "bringing forth" is meant to acknowledge in faith and act (n. 3905, 3915, 3919, 6585). The case herein is that the man who is conceived anew, carried as it were in the womb, and born, that is, who is being regenerated, first learns from the doctrine of the church, or from the Word, the things which are of faith and charity, which he then stores up among the memory-knowledges that are in the memory which belongs to the external or natural man. From this they are called forth into the internal man, and are stored up in its memory (that man has two memories see n. 2469-2494). This is the beginning of spiritual life with the man, but he is not yet regenerated. In order to be regenerated, the external or natural man must be in compliance, and consequently in agreement, with his internal man. (That a man has not been regenerated until his external or natural man has also been regenerated, see n. 8742-8747; and that the external man is regenerated through the internal by the Lord, n. 3286, 3321, 3493, 4588, 5651, 6299, 8746; and also that the whole man has been regenerated when his natural has been regenerated, n. 7442, 7443.) Seeing then that the things which belong to regeneration are expressed in the Word by the things which belong to the generation or birth of man from his parents in the world, it can be seen from the process of regeneration above described what is meant or signified in the spiritual sense by "conception," by "gestation in the womb," and what by "going forth from the womb," and by "birth;" namely, that "going forth from the womb" denotes to go from the internal man into the external or natural, and that "birth" denotes spiritual good, that is, the good of charity formed from the truths of faith, going forth from the internal man into the external or natural man. When good is in the natural man, the man is a new man; his life is then from good, and his form is from truths derived from good; and he is like an angel, for the angels have their life from good, and their form from truths, which form is the human form. But to the natural man this is a paradox.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9043

9043. 'And her offspring come out' means if in spite of this it is made stronger in the natural. This is clear from the meaning of 'coming out' - when it refers to good that is being formed out of truths - as the passing of that good from the internal or spiritual man into the external or natural man, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'offspring' as forms of good that have developed out of truths and then been acknowledged because they are both known and perceived and thereby been made stronger. For 'bearing offspring' in the spiritual sense means acknowledging in faith and action, 3905, 3915, 3919, 6585. The situation is that a person who is conceived anew, carried so to speak in the womb, and born - that is, who is being regenerated - first of all takes in from the teachings of the Church or from the Word matters of faith and charity. These are stored away at this time among items of knowledge in the memory that belongs to the external or natural man. From there they are summoned into the internal man and stored away in the memory belonging to the internal man. Regarding both these memories a person possesses, see 2469 2494. This is the beginning of spiritual life with a person; but the person is not as yet regenerate. For him to be regenerate his external or natural man must be subservient, and as a result must be in agreement with his internal man.

A person has not been regenerated until his external or natural man has also been regenerated, see 8742-8747.

The external man is regenerated by the Lord by means of the internal, 3286, 3321, 3493, 4588, 5651, 6299, 8746.

The whole person has been regenerated when his natural has been, 7442, 7443.

[2] Now seeing that aspects of regeneration are expressed in the Word by the phases of a person's generation or birth from his parents in the world, one may recognize from the process of regeneration described above what is understood or meant in the spiritual sense by 'conception', 'being carried in the womb', 'going out of the womb', and 'offspring'. That is to say, 'going out of the womb' means passing from the internal man into the external or natural man; and 'offspring' means spiritual good, or the good of charity springing from the truths of faith, that comes from the internal man and is present in the external or natural. When good is present in the natural, then the person is new. Good now constitutes his life, and truths emanating from good constitute his outward form He is like an angel, for good constitutes angels' life and truths their outward form, which is the human form. But this makes no sense to the natural man.

Latin(1748-1756) 9043

9043. `Et exiverint partus ejus': quod significet si usque in naturali confirmatum, constat ex significatione `exire' cum de {1}formatione boni ex veris, quod sit ab interno seu spirituali homine in externum seu naturalem, de qua sequitur, et ex significatione `partuum' quod sint bona ex veris scientifice et perceptibiliter agnita et sic confirmata; per `parere' enim in spirituali sensu intelligitur agnoscere fide et actu, n. 3905, 3915, 3919, 6585. Cum hoc ita se habet: homo qui e novo concipitur gestatur quasi in utero et nascitur, hoc est, qui regeneratur, primum haurit ex doctrina Ecclesiae vel ex Verbo illa quae fidei et charitatis sunt, quae tunc reponit inter scientifica in memoria quae est externi seu naturalis hominis; inde evocantur illa in internum hominem et reponuntur in ejus memoria; quod binae memoriae homini sint, videatur n. (x)2469-2494; hoc initium vitae spiritualis apud hominem est, sed nondum homo est regeneratus; ut regeneratus sit, {2}erit externus seu naturalis homo in obsequio, et inde in concordantia cum interno suo homine; quod homo non regeneratus sit antequam externus seu naturalis ejus homo etiam regeneratus est, videatur n. 8742-8747, (c)et quod regeneretur externus homo per internum a Domino, n. 3286, 3321, 3493, (x)4588, 5651, 6299, 8746, quodque totus homo regeneratus sit quando ejus naturalis, n. 7442, 7443. 2 Quia nunc illa quae regenerationis sunt exprimuntur {3}per illa in Verbo quae sunt generationis seu nativitatis hominis a suis parentibus in mundo, ex processu regenerationis supra (x)descripto constare potest quid intelligitur aut significatur per `conceptionem,' per `gestationem in utero,' quid per `exire ex utero,' et per `partum' in sensu spirituali, quod nempe `exire ex utero' sit ab interno homine in externum seu naturalem, et quod `partus' sit bonum spirituale, hoc est, bonum charitatis ex veris fidei, ab interno homine in externo seu naturali; cum bonum {4}in naturali est, {5}tunc homo est novus, est ejus vita tunc ex bono et forma ex veris a bono, et est sicut angelus, nam angelis est vita ex bono et forma ex veris, quae est forma humana; sed hoc est paradoxon homini naturali'. @1 bono$ @2 d here and i after cum interno$ @3 After Verbo$ @4 ibi$ @5 homo tunc novus est, est vita ejus ibi ex illo bono, et forma ejus est ex veris ex bono; inde etiam est sicut angelis, et sua vita et sua forma, quae est humana; sed hoc paradoxon est naturali homini$

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