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属天的奥秘 第9184节


  这种改变之所以能在一个人里面发生,是因为信之真理经由听觉,因而经由外在人进入;而外在人只享受那些属于世界和自我的事物,也就是由利益和重要地位所产生的快乐。但当内在人通过重生被打开时,良善便经由内在人从主流入;这良善会采用已经通过外在人进入的信之真理并与之结合。它们越是结合在一起,秩序就越被翻转过来,也就是说,占据首位的,现在被置于末位。当这种情况发生时,主就将人里面属于生命的一切吸引到自己这里,好叫它们面朝上。这时,此人就会视那些属于主和天堂的事物为目的,视主自己为一切目的中的目的;而以前的东西,就是伴随利益和重要地位的快乐,则被视为达到这个目的的手段。众所周知,手段唯独从目的获得自己的生命,离开这个目的就没有生命。因此,当伴随利益和重要地位的快乐变成手段时,它们所拥有的生命就是来自天堂,也就是经由天堂从主而来的生命;因为它们存在的目的是主。当一个人处于这样一种生命秩序时,利益和重要地位对他来说就是一种祝福;但如果他处于颠倒的秩序,那么这些东西对他来说就是一种诅咒。当一个人处于天堂的秩序时,一切事物都是一种祝福,主在马太福音 福音中教导了这一点:

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Potts(1905-1910) 9184

9184. Endowing he shall endow her to himself for a woman. That this signifies a token of consent to a lawful conjunction, is evident from the signification of a "dowry" and of "endowing," as being a token of consent (see n. 4456); and from the signification of "for a woman," as being to a lawful conjunction, for to take anyone for a woman denotes to be lawfully conjoined. In the spiritual sense an unlawful conjunction is the conjunction of truth with an affection from the delight of self-advantage or from the delight of being honored. In such an affection are they who learn the truths of the church for the sake of these delights. But this conjunction does no harm to those who are afterward regenerated by the Lord, for although these affections remain with them, they are subordinated under the affection of truth for the sake of the good of use and of life; and they serve, for they are in the last place, although at first they appeared to be in the first place. For while a man is being regenerated, the order of his life is inverted. In this manner is lawful conjunction made out of unlawful conjunction. [2] That this is possible is because the truths which are of faith enter through the hearing, thus through the external man; and the external man relishes only those things which belong to the world and to self, and which are the delights arising from self-advantage and honors. But when the internal man has been opened by means of regeneration, good from the Lord then flows in through it, and adopts and conjoins with itself the truths of faith which have entered through the external man, and according to this conjunction the order is inverted, that is, what had been in the first place is put in the last. The Lord then draws to Himself all things in the man which belong to life, so that they may look upward. The man then regards as ends those things which belong to the Lord and to heaven; and the Lord Himself as the end for the sake of which are all things; and the former things, which are the delights of self-advantage and of honors, he regards as means to this end. It is known that the means derive their life solely from the end, and that apart from the end they have no life. Thus when the delights of self-advantage and of honors have become means, they then have their life from the life which comes from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord; for the end for the sake of which they exist is the Lord. When a man is in such an order of life, matters of self-advantage and honors are then blessings to him; whereas if he is in the inverted order, these things are curses to him. That all things are blessings when a man is in the order of heaven, the Lord teaches in Matthew:

Seek ye first the kingdom of the heavens and His righteousness, and all things shall be added unto you (Matt. 6:33).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9184

9184. 'He shall surely endow her to be his wife' means a token of consent on his side to a rightful joining together. This is clear from the meaning of 'a dowry' and 'endowing' as a token of consent, dealt with in 4456; and from the meaning of 'to be a wife' as to establish a rightful joining together, for taking a woman to be his wife means being rightfully joined to her. In the spiritual sense a wrongful joining together exists when truth is joined to an affection that springs from a delight in gain or from a delight in the attainment of important positions; this kind of affection is present in people if they learn the Church's truths for the sake of those delights. Yet that joining together does no harm to those who later on are regenerated by the Lord, since those affections remain with them, but become subordinate to and serve an affection for truth learned for the sake of the good that belongs to useful service and to life. Those earlier affections occupy the last place, though they were seen previously to occupy the first. For when a person is being regenerated the order of his life is turned around, and in this way a wrongful joining together is turned into a rightful one.

[2] The reason why this change in a person can come about is that the truths of faith enter by way of hearing, thus through the external man, and the external man has no taste for anything except things of the world and of self, that is, delights that arise from gain and important positions. But when the internal man has been opened through regeneration, good flows in from the Lord by way of the internal man, and that good adopts and joins to itself the truths of faith which have entered through the external man. The more they are joined together, the more order is turned around, that is, what has been occupying the first place is now put in the last. When this happens the Lord draws towards Himself all aspects of life within a person, so that they face upwards. Then those things that are the Lord's and heaven's are seen by the person as ends, and the Lord Himself as the end of all ends, while the former things, the delights that go with gain and important positions, are seen as means to that end. It is well known that the means have their life solely from the end in view, and without that end have no life. Thus when the delights that go with gain and important positions have become the means the life they have is the life that comes from heaven, that is, from the Lord by way of heaven, the end for the sake of which they exist being the Lord. When the order of life in a person is like this, gain and important positions are a blessing to him; but if that order is turned around they are a curse to him. The truth that all things are a blessing when heavenly order exists in a person is the Lord's teaching in Matthew,

Seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matt 6:33.

Latin(1748-1756) 9184

9184. `Dotando dotabit illam sibi in mulierem': quod significet tesseram consensus a sua parte ad conjunctionem legitimam, constat ex significatione `dotis' et `dotare' quod sit tessera consensus, de qua n. 4456, et ex significatione `in mulierem' quod sit ad conjunctionem legitimam, nam accipere aliquam in mulierem est legitime conjungi. Illegitima conjunctio in spirituali sensu est conjunctio veri cum affectione ex jucundo lucri aut ex jucundo honoris, in quali affectione sunt illi qui vera Ecclesiae propter (d)illa jucunda discunt; sed haec conjunctio non nocet illis qui postea a Domino regenerantur, quoniam apud hos remanent illae affectiones, sed subordinatae sub affectione veri propter bonum usus et vitae, atque serviunt; sunt namque ultimo loco, tametsi visae prius quod fuerint primo loco; cum enim regeneratur homo, invertitur ordo vitae (d)ejus; eo modo ex conjunctione illegitima fit (x)conjunctio legitima {1}. [2] Quod hoc fieri possit, est quia vera quae fidei sunt intrant per auditum, ita per externum hominem, et externus homo non sapit nisi illa quae mundi et (o)quae sui sunt, quae sunt jucunda ex lucris et ex honoribus; at cum internus homo (o)per regenerationem apertus est, tunc per illum influit a Domino bonum quod adoptat et sibi conjungit vera fidei {2} quae per externum intrarunt, et secundum conjunctionem invertitur ordo, hoc est, ponitur in ultimo loco quod fuerat in primo; attrahit tunc Dominus omnia quae sunt vitae apud hominem ad Se, ut spectent sursum; tunc quae Domini et caeli sunt, intuetur homo ut fines, (o)et Ipsum Dominum ut finem propter quem omnia {3}, et priora quae sunt jucunda lucri et honorum ut media ad illum finem; notum est quod media non vitam aliunde habeant quam ex fine, et absque fine nullam; ita jucunda lucri et honorum, cum facta sunt media, tunc vitam habent ex vita e caelo, hoc est, per caelum a Domino, nam finis propter quem est Dominus. Cum homo in tali ordine vitae est, tunc lucra et honores sunt ei benedictiones, at si in inverso ordine est, lucra et honores sunt ei maledictiones; quod omnia sint benedictiones cum homo in ordine caeli est, docet {4} Dominus apud (x)Matthaeum, Quaerite primo regnum caelorum et justitiam ejus, et omnia adjicientur vobis, vi 33. @1 et tunc quae prius spectarunt deorsum seu extra ad mundum, et ad se, tunc spectant sursum ad coelum et ad Dominum; inde tunc vita, ita ex conjunctione illegitima fit conjunctio legitima$ @2 conjungit sibi vera quae fidei$ @3 omnibus$ @4 i hoc$

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