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属天的奥秘 第9625节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9625

9625. And thou shalt bring the hooks into the loops. That this signifies the method of the conjunction, is evident from the fact that when by "the hooks" is signified the capability of conjunction (of which just above, n. 9624), by "bringing them into the loops," and thereby joining the curtains together, is signified the method of the conjunction, as also by "joining the curtains together one to the other with the hooks" (n. 9612).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9625

9625. 'And put the clasps into the loops' means the mode of the joining together. This is clear from the consideration that since an ability to join things together is meant by 'the clasps', dealt with immediately above in 9624, 'putting them into the loops' and thereby 'joining the curtains together' means the mode of the joining together, as is also meant above in 9612 by 'joining the curtains together, each one to the next by means of the clasps'.

Latin(1748-1756) 9625

9625. `Et induces ansulas in loramenta': quod significet modum conjunctionis, constat ex eo quod cum per `ansulas' significatur conjunctionis facultas, de qua mox supra n. 9624, per `inducere (x)illas in loramenta, et sic `conjungere aulaea,' significetur conjunctionis modus, ut quoque per `conjungere aulaea, quodvis ad alterum per ansulas,' supra n. 9612.

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